Pressure washer pressures



2 Jun 2003
In the top 1%
Some people are under the impression that a pressure washer for the home is capable of generating pressures in excess of 140Bar, or approaching 15,000,000 pascals of pressure.

The stats on the pressure washer web sites seem to "back this up" but I am firmly in the "thats BS numbers" camp - 140bar is about 70 times more than you ever see from the rising main in your house, ever!

Can someone please post something more concrete than "I know its BS" so I can point them at it please?

my bro in law has his own business selling and fixing industrial pressure washers ,these that you see at car washes etc and run on diesel average 100bar, the small things you see at b+q etc do no where near this and are rubbish, i.e when a hose bursts you may as well just buy another as a hose will cost as much as a new machine.
I'd have thought that the numbers are reasonably accurate, though do they actually say where the pressure is measured? The high pressure ones I have seen used have been powerful enough to take layers of skin off your legs etc, and can lead to damaging your paintwork on cars etc.
They're probably confusing PSI with bar.

Our psycho diesel powered Dibo at one of the carwashes I worked at wasn't 140bar, and it's the same type of one they use to clean helicopters at the airport. Neither were our big Karchers at the other carwash.
Mohinder said:
They're probably confusing PSI with bar.

Our psycho diesel powered Dibo at one of the carwashes I worked at wasn't 140bar, and it's the same type of one they use to clean helicopters at the airport. Neither were our big Karchers at the other carwash.

I dont think so, it would make sense (sorta) if they did but they are quoting it in MPa too, which means its deliberate :/
perhaps its 140bar if you adjust the nozzel into the tiniest jet so its around 5 square mm. Completely useless but high pressure!
140 bar on a hobby machine will take out the pump seals in about 2 mins (they are only plastic,even on the bigger industrial machnes 140 bar wont do the pump much good and seals will go quicker) ,like i said my bro in law has his own business doing this and ive worked with him on many occasions.
got a weener of a pressure washer (2000 psi) i use for dity mo-fo's of cars, but a mate of mine has the king of pressure washers, so big its tow only, runs on the black stuff, super heats the water and has the blowback force of a rpg missile :D :eek: (8-9000 psi iirc)
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