Previously Owned Car :(

10 Mar 2007
Just had a nice visit (not) from a baliff telling me I owe him £551 from an outstanding driving violation in London back in 2006 :eek: (I actually sold the car 4 months earlier in December 2005). Anyway apparently they've tried getting in touch with me on numerous occasions (zero) had no luck in receiving a reply, so had obtained a CCJ to order me to pay the fine + all the other fee's they add on.

After he left I called the DVLA (fun that was press 1 press 4 etc etc) now they have me as selling the car as of 4th Dec 2005 months before offences took place, I have to write to them for a confirmation letter (just done). I called the Baliff office in London to be told that wasn't good enough :confused: because it had got as far as a CCJ that now that it was my responsibilty :confused: ... So I've got to now find some legal advice on what I can do about this. If the DVLA know I wasn't the owner at that time I don't see what the big problem is.

Has anyone else every experienced similar CAB is closed till tomorrow so got to stew on this til the morning now :mad:
They are talking out there a*se you have proof you didn't own the car at the time, they are trying bully tatics. I hope you didn't pay it !

I would get straight onto the citizens advice bureau in the morning and also get the DVLA to send written proof to you that you didn't own the car at the time of the driving violation and also request the baliff office for proof that you were written to (they won't have it as if would need to be sent record mail so you would have signed for it) regarding it and the exact details of the violation in question I would also pop a copy of the letter from the DVLA to them also asking them to explain how you can be charged with a driving offence on a car you didn't own.

The baliff will be acting on behalf of another party to recover the money you need to find out who this is and then take it up with them also.
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No I didn't pay it despite he's best efforts and threats of taking stuff from the house...

Its on behalf of Transport for London but he couldn't give me any further details, I've just posted the letter to the dvla and I'll visit the CAB tomorrow.
Teledude said:
Should have told the balliff where to stick it - most are mearly bullies and have no clue about the law and basic rights!

haha cos that will get you SO far. nice one.

for the bailliff to get to your house, a claim would have been issued to your address, which would have followed various warning letters and demands. when it was issued, the judgement would have been sent to that address.

all of them got lost in the post?

basically... if you can somehow prove you sold the car on x date (got a reciept?) then i expect you can show this to the court and get the judgement set aside. may require an N244 form and £15 too.

or you can keep the judgement and then cross your fingers you dont ever need credit or a mobile phone contract, cos no one will touch you with a bargepole after that.
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