Problem help. Your Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2 set up please.

19 Jun 2010
Hi Folks,

Could you let me know how you spec your Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2 please.

The reason for asking is that I am getting BSOD problem from time to time especially from cold start without rebooting for 24 hr but once its get going it is very smooth and fast.


(Built last month - please search the forum for my threads if you want)

1) Gigabyte GA-P55M-UD2.
2) Win7x64.
3) Intel i5 750.
4) 4GB RAM. (think it's Corsair)
5) Intel 80GB SSD (OS only drive)
6) Samsung F3 1TB (storage only drive).
7) Compro VideoMate Vista T220
8) Palit Nvidia Geforce GT240 (512MB)
9) Corsair H50 Watercool.

As far as the above are concerned I have updated them with all the latest drivers but my system remains unstable and I am yet to find out where the problems come from apart from guessing.

The problem:

1) It usually hangs with Black Screen of Death when booting with Windows logo appearing but not logging in for a least 40 mins.

2) Need to boot into SafeMode several times before things go back to normal.

3) When it hangs the CPU would be at 100% but the RAM at normal 27%. I have 4GB RAM and I do not install unnecessary things to during the Start Up.

4) My system beeps from time to time when it is running but the beeps do not correspond to any of the AWARD bios beep code. Usually, the beep is one short burst like post beep when the system starts up. Occasionally I get two consecutive short beeps but not very often. One short beep is rather often.

5) I checked the reliability report generated by the system and once it say Video Hardware Error (Live Kernel Event) but not sure if that is Compro or Palit. Which one?

6) When I watched tv / movie using Compro it always hang but I could still watch the movie and if I wanted to switch channel I have to let it recovered before I could switch to another channel. I have stopped watching TV with it now to see if things get better. It does but not for long.

7) So far no game play yet.

8) Yesterday I needed to reboot several times in to SafeMode but it took nearly an hour before I could reboot normal again. I could see the mouse pointer when it was in a loop so I waited to see what happened. The CPU was at 100% and system was snail pace.

So far I have tried the followings to search for the problems:

1) Intel Burn Test - all good.

2) Windows RAM diagnostic - all good.

3) Defrag the system - all good.

4) Uninstalled the OS then reinstalled the OS - okay for a while but then it started again.

5) Reinstalled all drivers to the latest version.

So the questions:

1) What graphic card do you use?

2) Do you have Compro VideoMate with this setup?

3) All advice welcome as I need to eliminate the problem one by one.


BBChew :(
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