Prodigy - whats your favourate tracks and album?

3.3 Kilos


1.Music For The Jilted Generation
2.The Fat Of The Land
3.The Experience
4.Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned

Early Leftfield > Early The Prodigy

Orbital > The Prodigy.

Your Love (original mix)
Fire (edit)
Everybody In The place (fairground remix)

Android isn't too bad and the original of Everybody in the place is pretty good, both on what evil lurks EP.

Album, probably Jilted Generation.

The problem with Experience is that although it is a mighty fine album, with the exception of out of space all of the tunes they released as singles (Charly, Fire, Everybody in the place )were all remixed on the album and not the originally released versions, and wind it up was remixed for release as a single.

This was rectified a few years ago with the release of experience expanded.

Old The Prodigy - Great, New Prodigy - Mediocre *edit* just realised this is lies, the recent pendulum remix was top notch.
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1) No Good - extended mix
2) Fire
3) Break and Enter (dancing madly in the Strongbow tent to Liam's set again at V)

Album: Jilted Generation

Moshing at the Prodigy stage at V festival last year - absolute madness :D me and my friend were the only girls brave enough to get up the front... sweaty gross blokes and getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers...

Nice ;) I looked (and probably smelt) awful... still managed to pull though :D

BB x
Mr_L said:
My favourite singles are; -

Everybody In The Place
No Good
Voodo People
Smack My Bitch Up
Funky ****
Memphis Bells
The Way It Is

Are you possitive all of those were singles?

Favourite tracks... toughie!
Out of Space, obviously
Feel the Music Reach 1/2/3/4
Poison (Can't believe no one else mentioned that)
Their law (Phoenix festival 96' for the win! Not that rubbish live recording off the 'singles' *ahem* album)

Can't choose three....

Albums in order:
1. Experience
2. Music for the jilted generation
3. Fat of the land
4. AONO (eww!)
Experience ,
Fat of the land
Music For A Jilted Generation
i have never got round to buying Always out numbered. So cant comment on it. I do like some of the tracks off it i have heard

Tracks, *in no order*
Charly (trip into drum and bass mix)
Your love (remix)
No good (start the dance)
Weather Experience
Smack my bitch up (Sub Focus remix)
Grrrrr said:
Voodoo people is by far and away my favourite track. Hopefully i should be seeing them at creamfields this year :D

The video for the Pendulam remix ranks up there with my fave videos aswell
anyone know of tracks from other artists that are like and as good as Jericho?

PS Always Outnumbered is worth a buy - eps as can be had quite cheeply at mo - it got some real hard hitting track on it!
Nitefly said:
Are you possitive all of those were singles?

Funky ****, Memphis Bells and The Way It Is were not released as singles. But I don't care, because it's my list.

Prodigy > Chocolate Log > Roulade > William
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Voodoo People
3 Kilos

Experiance (Expanded) and Music for the Jilted Generation are my favourite albums.
Vegetarian said:
I dunno what people have for Voodoo people... imo its an average Prodigy track - it really does not do anything intresting musically.

I don't find 'No Good', which is very popular, to be a particularly great track. It seems very thin/shallow and simplistic. Each to their own i guess :)
Grrrrr said:
I don't find 'No Good', which is very popular, to be a particularly great track. It seems very thin/shallow and simplistic. Each to their own i guess :)

I agree with "No Good" too - I find it boring! You take tracks like Jericho and your love - theres so much musically going one - the rythrms and harmony changes - even change key and syncopated rythrms. No Good and Voodoo just stay on one level - head banging music for drugged crazed youths!

Take Jericho... the piece is basicly in a classical "concerto sonata form" :o Not bad for club music...
Voodoo People
One Love

Hackers soundtrack :cool:

I don't actually rate Prodigy that highly really though, they seem a bit boring nowadays :\
Always going to be Fat of the land, with Funky **** being my fav. Seeing them on stage doing it cemented it for me!
William said:
3.3 Kilos


1.Music For The Jilted Generation
2.The Fat Of The Land
3.The Experience
4.Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned

Early Leftfield > Early The Prodigy

Agree, Leftism is the best dance album EVER!!
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