Appealing to anyone who understands my dilemma
Basically its come to the time when I need to decide if I want to do a research based project, or a dissertation on previously published work. I would love to do a project, as I have the opportunity to go with the atlantic whale foundation to do either coral reef work or work with whales and dolphins.
Would doing a research project limit my career options in the future to only research based areas? I say this as I was eyeing up a masters at southampton
Ideally I want a career in some sort of environmental consultancy, Public sector work in the marine environment, but Im so confused about what to do right now
Basically its come to the time when I need to decide if I want to do a research based project, or a dissertation on previously published work. I would love to do a project, as I have the opportunity to go with the atlantic whale foundation to do either coral reef work or work with whales and dolphins.
Would doing a research project limit my career options in the future to only research based areas? I say this as I was eyeing up a masters at southampton
Ideally I want a career in some sort of environmental consultancy, Public sector work in the marine environment, but Im so confused about what to do right now