Project or Dissertation? :(

13 Dec 2010
Appealing to anyone who understands my dilemma

Basically its come to the time when I need to decide if I want to do a research based project, or a dissertation on previously published work. I would love to do a project, as I have the opportunity to go with the atlantic whale foundation to do either coral reef work or work with whales and dolphins.

Would doing a research project limit my career options in the future to only research based areas? I say this as I was eyeing up a masters at southampton

Ideally I want a career in some sort of environmental consultancy, Public sector work in the marine environment, but Im so confused about what to do right now :(
Neither option will overly limit your future options, although a research project is likely to be more generally viewed as better, especially if you choose to do a PhD.
From my experience (BSC & MSC) doing research wont limit your career options although doing something that is interesting and different is an advantage when talking about it to perspective employers. In my MSC they preferred people to do a project rather than just research.
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Ah thanks guys. 3 people all saying the same thing has really put my mind at ease. It hasn't helped that my uni hasn't really explained anything, and my tutor doesnt have the foggiest.
I did my MSc at Westminster and my project supervisor was pretty useless compared to the one I had for my BSc. I saw him once early on and then had to fight to even get a response via email. I heard from a 2nd year part timer recently that he said my project had good potential but I didnt fully fulfil it :mad: Choose your project supervisor carefully although you can often get stuck with the lecturer who is supposedly the expert in that field but is clueless!
Appealing to anyone who understands my dilemma

Basically its come to the time when I need to decide if I want to do a research based project, or a dissertation on previously published work. I would love to do a project, as I have the opportunity to go with the atlantic whale foundation to do either coral reef work or work with whales and dolphins.

Would doing a research project limit my career options in the future to only research based areas? I say this as I was eyeing up a masters at southampton

Ideally I want a career in some sort of environmental consultancy, Public sector work in the marine environment, but Im so confused about what to do right now :(

The lack of jobs in this field is more likely to limit your career options than choosing a research project or dissertation.

If you have the option to do a research project, it will be more interesting imo.

If you want to go into marine / environmental then you may wish to or even need to consider a PhD.
In the subject your doing research is a better option, dissertation isn't as good if there's actual work to go out and do... (bad phrasing)

Could always email the department at the masters your interested in and see if they have any preferences? Uni's like students who just ask simple questions from them and things like that.

Either way pick the one that will be the most fun for you, at my undergrad I chose to do a dissertation as I had a topic that really interested me and has lead me on to further study, but it depends if you have that sort of motivation.
In the subject your doing research is a better option, dissertation isn't as good if there's actual work to go out and do... (bad phrasing)

Could always email the department at the masters your interested in and see if they have any preferences? Uni's like students who just ask simple questions from them and things like that.

Either way pick the one that will be the most fun for you, at my undergrad I chose to do a dissertation as I had a topic that really interested me and has lead me on to further study, but it depends if you have that sort of motivation.

will send them an email I suppose. At the end of the day if i choose something I won't enjoy, it will show in my work.
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