Provisonal licence is bloody expensive...

11 Mar 2004
£38 for a 5 minute print job on crappy plastic... i was shocked, i was expecting about £15 / £20 ... evil DVLA, is there anything they arnt trying to make a profit on ?
Im pretty sure you get your full licence for free now though? I had to pay for my provisional, and then again for my full.
OllyM said:
They increased the fee for the Provisional, but made claiming a test pass free...

Yeh, when you get your provisional have a look next to the address, if there is black triangle, that means that you have already paid the increased amount and dont have to pay to upgrade from a provisional to a full when you pass.

As far as I know its all this way now, prices went up but they scrapped the second fee on passing.
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Haircut said:
I thought you had loads of spare money now?
I'm sure you can afford it :p

just because ive got some doesnt mean im happy to be ripped off...

zenith10 said:
yes it is dear got to get that and my cbt all together costing 160 pounds

Thats what im doing, :)

£38 - Licence
£95 - CBT + bike hire
£20 - Helmet
£67 - Glasses
Total: £220

and thats before ive bought the bloody bike :(
agw_01 said:
Great :( More council house scroates on the roads then.

Eh? It's no cheaper, you just pay it all when you get your provisional, rather than in two lots.

If I was a more sceptical person, I'd say it was so they got their money whether you passed or not. ;)
If you're already complaining about the cost of the provisional,the real cost of motoring is going to be a nasty surprise...
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