[PS3] Ninja Gaiden Demo Next Month?

19 Oct 2002
US, March 28, 2007 - Tecmo's PS3 update to the original Ninja Gaiden isn't due out in America and Japan until June, but those wanting a sneak peak will have to wait less than a month. In the latest issue of Japan's Famitsu Weekly, Ninja Gaiden Sigma director Yosuke Hayashi revealed plans to make a playable demo of the game available on the PlayStation Network starting 4/27. The demo will include one specially created chapter that won't be in the final version and will allow players to use a large number of weapons from the start.

The big question is, of course, will owners of PS3s outside of Japan be able to get quick access to the demo through the US and European PlayStation Stores? While Tecmo hasn't made an official announcement, Hayashi did reveal that the demo will include an online score rank mode that will allow players from throughout the world show off their ninja skills. Sounds like PS3 owners everywhere have something to look forward to late next month.


Let me be the first to say w00t w00t w00t!
tomanders91 said:
is this new ninja gaiden game going to be like the old ones? or is it a 'beat em' up' game like Tekken/VF?

its kinda like Ninja Gaiden Black for xbox, but with a few more add-ons playable characters - a platformer
tomanders91 said:
is this new ninja gaiden game going to be like the old ones? or is it a 'beat em' up' game like Tekken/VF?

They'd be very stupid to make it anything but old Gaiden gameplay with brilliant graphics and more weapons and beasties to kill. If they made it a beat 'em up it'd flop like a dead horse. So, yeah it'll be the proper style :p
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