PS4 to sell 12m units by the end of 2014?

I really hate console war stuff but interestingly I've had numerous people ask me about the new consoles (mostly casuals who don't read up on game related topics) and almost all of them said they had 'heard' that the Xbox One is more a more powerful system.

So every single person I know who purchased an Xbox One did so through misinformation or simply because they had a 360 and just bought the One without looking at the market.

I want both to do well because I have concerns over the gaming industry in general so for any to fail is going to make things worse.

It seems a bit of a concern if MS are relying on those kinds of things to gain sales - but obviously I can only speak from what I've seen around me

I've already said similar on the forums before. The average joe i.e. mass markets don't have a clue about anything and just buy whatever everyone else does or whatever is popular at the time.

This is why iphones are so popular even though imo they are horribly overpriced for what they are.

Their is a lot of misinformation regarding the XB1 i've seen threads over on HUKD which is a mainstream mass marketed website where guys are telling everyone that the XB1 is more powerful, etc. Even when people challenged them they said that the XB1 is harder to programme for so we won't see it beating the PS4 for graphics until programmers get used to using it.

I told all of my friends to buy a PS4 as it was superior and cheaper, usually the mass market gamers only buy 1 console so it's important they make the right decision imo. Only the hardcore buy 2 or more.

I even had one of my mates a MS fanboy asking why the PS4 was better, which is fair enough, but it came across as if he didn't believe me when I told him how much more powerful the PS4 was.

Anyway I managed to convince them all got get a PS4, the hardest part is convincing those that had 360's that the PS4 is the best choice this round, most of them will go out and blindly buy an XB1 assuming it's better. Hardly anyone does any research before buying anything in life, people on here tend to do that though because this is a niche forum (well it used to be) where people look for bang per buck, performance and value, etc.

Those NPD figures for the 1st week of february show the PS4 outselling the XB1 3:1.

If those sales keep up, then I don't see how MS can afford not to drop the price.
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i'm a neutral fan and i have owned practically every console made, master system, mega drives, every PS, both older xbox's and a wii. never owned a N64 or snes so i have tended to avoid nintendo systems over any other, in fact if it wasn't for the wii i would never of owned one.

Yeah I guess it's the same with a lot of things but I just thought things would be changing more these days because of how easy it is to gather information. But, now there is an issue of whether or not this information is trustworthy or whether it's manipulated.

Companies paying money to market their products as being great is nothing new and there is nothing wrong with it - but finding out that places that should be offering un-biased information have been paid off is sad indeed. Not unexpected to me personally as the only information I've ever fully trusted is my own or those I know.

Hopefully the games do the talking anyway. A well designed game doesn't need the most power but the problem there is IMO I don't find many devs have the creative freedom to make the game they want - too many restrictions from the top. In a market long forgot, power differences were not very relevant at all but these days they are and that's a sad state for the industry to be in.
We should just be relying on quality game design - something that seems very rare now
Quality of games have gotten worse as companies have grown stronger.

EA are the best example of this, they are so powerful now. Nobody can really challenge them and they have a monopoly of all the rights to licensed franchises. e.g. tiger woods, all the rights to football stadiums, teams and their players, etc. This is why PES never has the real names.

They now have the UFC franchise under their belt, before it was a different company, they just buy up all the competition, or get the rights to be the official vendor.

For years now they have been slowly destroying franchises such as command and conquer. I really enjoyed the older UFC games, I hope they don't kill it with terrible gameplay and next to zero innovation.
Those NPD figures for the 1st week of february show the PS4 outselling the XB1 3:1.

If those sales keep up, then I don't see how MS can afford not to drop the price.

They are currently selling 2x what the 360 sold in the same time frame, I dont think they are that worried. So the PS4 sells more in the sprint, thats fine considering how many markets they have go to first, the console thing is very much a marathon.
So the PS4 sells more in the sprint, thats fine considering how many markets they have go to first, the console thing is very much a marathon.

That comment would stand if the NPD figures weren't N America only (MS's home territory)
What NPD figures have been released?

Last week. Which was why we got the Tweet of 'PS4 sold almost twice as much as XB1 in January'. Can't find the post on GAF now but a Google should answer your question.

2:1 (PS4:XB1) for January but both consoles have dropped off massively compared to December. I'd say that's to be expected as most people don't buy expensive gear in the month after Christmas!
NPD don't release numbers to consumers, but people hint and leak info very month, if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend that the PS4 isn't massively outselling the XB1 then that's your choice.

There's a reason that Microsoft didn't brag about XB1 sales last week when NPD numbers came in and there's a reason they lumped the software sales into the Xbox family instead of just XB1.
I stated many times I expected the PS4 to be a millions ahead by now,what are people like here.
I was looking for accurate numbers.

People this touchy about how many units a company has sold, what's the point?
Tell me exactly what this means to you and how it betters you life?, that something you bought, a console of all things, the fact it sells more than the other in any way makes or validates your life, or a plastic circuit board you bought?
Both are going to be supported with first party games and all 3rd party ones with both companies giving good software support for the life of them, its makes no difference to YOU and what YOU own as a person.
They are both selling very well, that gives us all something to look forward too in the future.

I thought NPD was released all the time?
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I think NPD only release hardware figures if companies publicly release them as well. In this instance, it seems as if MS aren't releasing XB1 figures for the first time.
Ahh right, so they get to remain confidential if the company chooses to?...or has it always been up to the actual company to release them?
Ahh right, so they get to remain confidential if the company chooses to?...or has it always been up to the actual company to release them?

I think they get their numbers from retailers, the NPD results are usually seen as the more "official" ones.
Isn't their a UK version of NPD? I remember I used something like that at university but you needed special access or had to pay for access to specific data.

The data is out there you just need the access or pay for it.
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