PSN Download speeds

18 Oct 2002
What speeds do people get when downloading on PSN either via the Store or a game update.

Ive noticed a lot of the time recently mine seems to limit at about 1mb,

router is currently connected at about 7mb - pc downloads at full connection speed when it can.

The ps3 shows the speeds in the network test 6.5mb d/l speed but never gets near that.
Mine seems to use whats available. When I downloaded Crysis the other day it only took about 35 minutes ish, and that was 3.6gig or so if I remember correctly.
I find when using wireless, download speeds are terrible (probably less than 1mb) even though the connection test says about 10mb and signal strength is good.

Download speeds are great on a wired connection, get the full 10mb.
Mines stupidly slow all the time, I've got a Linksys router though and it seems it's a common problem with them and the PS3. Keep meaning to run CAT5 to avoid using the wireless but meh can never be arsed to actually do it :o
PSN has always been turd for me, I had 50MB virgin wired at my parents which maxed out at around 750kb/s - 1.5mbs and now I have upto 20mb sky (actually around 12MB) in my place and it is exactly the same, XBL and steam have always maxed the line
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