Pug 406 speedo fubar. Where do i look?

18 Oct 2002
"Sunny" Plymouth
Finally got my 406 (1.9TD P-reg) back from my mother (yay! was getting bored of 20mph uphill going to and fro in the Transit to Newquay)

Just been out to put some diesel in and i've noticed the speedo is playing silly beggers. When i pull away, the needle jumps up to 40ish mph and stays there with only a slight wobble. As i stop the needle drops slowly to 20mph then drops to zero. BUT the tripmeter is reading fine (it's roughly 2 miles to the filling station and that's what the reading says.)

So, what needs changing? The dash clock? Some computer unit? Etc, etc. Pretty sure it's not the sender or the trip counter would be reading high too.

And how much of a pig of a job is it? Not going to be able to do it until next weekend anyway, but it's nice to be forewarned.

edit, this also means i won't be able to hoon it to Newquay this week due to scameras and me not having a clue how fast i'm going (not been in the Pug for nearly 5 months )
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SB118 said:
Finally got my 406 (1.9TD P-reg) back from my mother (yay! was getting bored of 20mph uphill going to and fro in the Transit to Newquay)

Just been out to put some diesel in and i've noticed the speedo is playing silly beggers. When i pull away, the needle jumps up to 40ish mph and stays there with only a slight wobble. As i stop the needle drops slowly to 20mph then drops to zero. BUT the tripmeter is reading fine (it's roughly 2 miles to the filling station and that's what the reading says.)

So, what needs changing? The dash clock? Some computer unit? Etc, etc. Pretty sure it's not the sender or the trip counter would be reading high too.

And how much of a pig of a job is it? Not going to be able to do it until next weekend anyway, but it's nice to be forewarned.

edit, this also means i won't be able to hoon it to Newquay this week due to scameras and me not having a clue how fast i'm going (not been in the Pug for nearly 5 months )

It would be worth taking your clocks out first and checking for dry joints on any ribbon cables etc. The mk1 406 was very prone for this, causing the symptoms you are seeing now.

I know on some peugeots the speedo cable used to run by some hot stuff (which it didn't in LHD models, i.e. those used in France where they were made) - hence the grease inside the cable would dry out and cause issues like this. Might be worth replacing?
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