but let's face it these "Pussy Riot" woman are idiots, especially when they know what they are up against.
Hang on... The Cossacks aren't a government department are they? Basically they are the equivilant of the Hell Angels being hired out for brute force policing... not the real police, so they can do what the f they want?
I also don't like the attitude that you can go and disrupt other people's events by acting like a complete **** and then pretend to be the victim when security come and force you to stop.
Indeed.They are far from idiots. One off them was on Russia on 4 wheels. They know full well what the consequences are, and are fully prepared to go to jail. And good on them for standing up like that. They are also fully aware youncant change the world in a day.
Where any of the black rights movements or women rights moments etc, idiots? As it took decades for change?
Without people standing up you won't get an increasing follower base.
Didn't think the video was THAT bad, certainly no worse than British cops beating protesters with their batons in the UK, footage of which appears every single time a protest happens.
I know right... the Russians aren't that bad!*If you can't the the very fundamental differences between British public order policing and what they do in Russia, I really feel sorry for you.
I did feel sorry for a few of them when they got locked up for a few years but hearing about them all the time is annoying me, to be honest they are coming over to me as a butch of lesbo tree hugging idiots.
If you can't the the very fundamental differences between British public order policing and what they do in Russia, I really feel sorry for you.
If you can't the the very fundamental differences between British public order policing and what they do in Russia, I really feel sorry for you.
Once again, you seem to speak with such conviction, when did you become an expert on Russian problems?
Has anyone ever been so far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Has anyone ever been so far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?