Q about the Official Nintendo Wii Video Cable's

13 Oct 2010

I have had my Wii connected to my HD TV @ 480p fine for a few years using this cable:


But what I would like two know is if I can use that cable to play the Wii on a TV with just a red, white and yellow connection like this: http://0.tqn.com/d/tv/1/0/3/connectcamtv2.jpg

Or will I have to buy the Official Nintendo Wii RCA AV Video Cable like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Official-...s_VideoGameAccessories_JN&hash=item27b0e40483

Thanks guys just saves me from buying a new cable at £20:D:)
Nope, you need a composite cable.

Components outputs 3 channels of colour, while composite combines them into the same signal. And no, you cannot just join them together :p.

You do not really need the OFFICIAL one. Anyone will do tbh.
Your Wii should have come with a Composite cable as its default connector (which is the worst of all the cables BTW).

If the TV has a SCART socket, you would be far better off getting an RGB SCART cable instead, as it will give you a much better picture.
Although composite is the worst quality connection, it is serviceable on the Wii, especially if you're just playing Wii Sports or whatever with a load of other people as a one-off.

I got stuck (like many) at the Wii launch in the UK without any kind of component cable (had to order one in that arrived a few weeks later) and the default composte connection was OK.

As mentioned you would have got one in the box.
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