[SIZE=3][B]CPU Feature[/B][/SIZE]
Thermal Management Control: Disabled
PPM(EIST) Mode: Disabled
Limit CPUID MaxVal: Disabled
CIE Function: Disabled
Execute Disable Bit: Disabled
Virtualization Technology: Enabled
Core Multi-Processing: Enabled
Exist Setup Shutdown: Mode 2
Shutdown after AC Loss: Disabled
CLOCK VC0 divider: AUTO
CPU Clock Ratio Unlock: Enabled
CPU Clock Ratio: 9
Target CPU Clock: 3717
CPU Clock: 413
Boot Up Clock: Auto
DRAM Speed: 400/800
Target DRAM Speed: 824MHz
PCIE Clock: 101mhz
PCIE Slot Config: 1X 1X
CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled
SATA Spread Spectrum: Disabled
[SIZE=3][B]Voltage Settings[/B][/SIZE]
CPU ViD Control: 1.31250v
CPU VID Special Add: Disabled/112.04%
DRAM Voltage Control: 2.150
SB Core/CPU PLL Voltage: 1.510
NB Core Voltage: 1.555
CPU VTT Voltage: 1.327
Vcore Droop Control: Disabled
Clockgen Voltage Control: 3.45v
GTL+ Buffers Strength: Strong
Host Slew Rate: Weak
GTL REF Voltage Control: Disable
x CPU GTL1/3 REF Volt: 110
x CPU GTL 0/2 REF Volt: 110
x North Bridge GTL REF Volt: 110
[SIZE=3][B]DRAM Timing[/B][/SIZE]
Enhance Data transmitting: AUTO
Enhance Addressing: AUTO
T2 Dispatch: Disabled
[SIZE=3][B]Clock Setting Fine Delay[/B][/SIZE]
Ch1 Clock Crossing Setting: AUTO
DIMM 1 Clock fine delay: Current
DIMM 2 Clock fine delay: Current
Ch 1 Command fine delay: Current
Ch 1 Control fine delay: Current
Ch2 Clock Crossing Setting: AUTO
DIMM 3 Clock fine delay: Current
DIMM 4 Clock fine delay: Current
Ch 2 Command fine delay: Current
Ch 2 Control fine delay: Current
Ch1Ch2 CommonClock Setting: Auto
Ch1 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay: Auto
Ch1 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay: Auto
Ch1 Command to CS Delay: Auto
Ch2 RDCAS GNT-Chip Delay: Auto
Ch2 WRCAS GNT-Chip Delay: Auto
Ch2 Command to CS Delay: Auto
CAS Latency Time (tCL): 5
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD): 5
RAS# Precharge (tRP): 5
Precharge Delay (tRAS): 15
All Precharge to Act: AUTO
REF to ACT Delay (tRFC): AUTO
Performance LVL (Read Delay) (tRD): AUTO
Read delay phase adjust: Enter
Ch1 Read delay phase (4~0)
Channel 1 Phase 0 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 1 Phase 1 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 1 Phase 2 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 1 Phase 3 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 1 Phase 4 Pull-In: Auto
Ch2 Read delay phase (4~0)
Channel 2 Phase 0 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 2 Phase 1 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 2 Phase 2 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 2 Phase 3 Pull-In: Auto
Channel 2 Phase 4 Pull-In: Auto
Write to PRE Delay (tWR): AUTO
Rank Write to Read (tWTR): AUTO
ACT to ACT Delay (tRRD): AUTO
Read to Write Delay (tRDWR): AUTO
Ranks Write to Write (tWRWR): AUTO
Ranks Read to Read (tRDRD): AUTO
Ranks Write to Read (tWRRD): AUTO
Read CAS# Precharge (tRTP): AUTO
ALL PRE to Refresh: AUTO