Question about AV recievers

11 Apr 2004
I know some AV recievers offer the option to delay certain channels by a few ms so the sound from each speaker reaches you at the correct time. I imagine this is to compensate for speaker placement and for and different lengths of speaker being used.

What I was wondering is the picture also delayed with the sound to prevent the picture displaying before the sound? I know this won't be an issue if you are watching a dvd or normal tv but with games consoles would the slight delay effect gameplay especialy in very fast shoot 'em ups?
In my experience there is no noticable delay. In fact some AV receivers allow you to add a delay between sound & video - normally used to eliminate lipsynch issues.
Some av recievers have auto setup with a mic of some kind which you attach only during setup and place at earlevel near to where your seating position is, so all the ms delays are taken care of

Of course these can usually be tweaked also once set

I have never seen/heard of any personal lipsync problems but I believe some systems are more averse to it than others (as well as some people notice it more readily)
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