Question about sound?

18 Oct 2002
Do you guys know the names of the type of sounds that are too low and too high a frequency to be audible by the average human ear? I have "ultrasonic" and "subsonic", but I don't think these are the correct terms.
Ultrasonic is correct for frequencies above human hearing (>15-20kHz), infrasonic is commonly used for frequencies below (<20Hz).

Subsonic is normally used to describe speeds below the speed of sound.
rpstewart said:
Ultrasonic is correct for frequencies above human hearing (>15-20kHz), infrasonic is commonly used for frequencies below (<20Hz).

Subsonic is normally used to describe speeds below the speed of sound.

give that man a cookie

infrasonic = below the human threshold (around 16hz apparently)
According to

Generating or using waves or vibrations with frequencies below that of audible sound.

Of less than audible frequency.

so either can be used really, infrasonic is probably better as it doesn't have the dual meaning relating to speed.
although the high end of human hearing can be upto 20kHz can't it?? depends on how good your hearing is and your exposure to loud noise...

ie everytime uve been to a gig and had ringing ears you've lost some hearing ability. I think the younger you are the higher freq you can hear and it diminishes towards 15kHz with age...
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