Question for bikers: Any company do TYRE insurance?

4 Feb 2004
Fife, Scotland
With the recent good weather over the past few days, thought I would bring the bike out of hibernation a wee bit early and give it a service and a good shakedown then take it for a few pre-season rides. Not been on it save for a few runs around the town to keep it tickety-boo since last year.

Anyway, sorted a few things out, took it for a spin on Thursday.

Got about 4 miles away from home and going into a corner thought "Oooerrrr.....that doesnt feel right?".

Stopped and had a look over it. Checked tyre pressures with my wee digi gauge and the rear had dropped from its 36psi to 18psi.

Immediately returned home, riding very slowly.

When I got back it had dropped to 12psi.

Whipped the rear wheel off and gave it a good coating in soapy bubble. Found a tiny pin-***** puncture. :mad:

Now, I know punctures on bike tyres can be repaired either by using the likes of Tyre seal or Slime etc, or by plugging them, but I never feel confident after doing this ( done it in the past ) as its always at the back of my mind that its a repaired tyre I'm riding on. Personal opinion, but it just doesnt make me feel safe on a 170mph superbike.

So anyway, I heard or read somewhere before that there are policies available for riders to insure their tyres against punctures or accidental damage etc?.

I am with eBike and they dont offer that option, but does anyone know of anywhere who for a reasonable fee, will insure tyres on a bike?.

Had to go and shell out on a replacement rear 190/50 Mich Pilot Power 2CT, when the one that got the puncture still had at least another 1500miles in it, very annoying!!!.
never heard of any dedicated insurance such as that mate, I know AVON did a thing a few years ago, where buy if you go t apunture in the first 500 miles they would replace it FOC, but there again AVON tyres suck.

I have had a few tyres plugged before, as long as its done by a pro you cant tell the differance, I have used plugged tyres on trackdays just fine (R1)

oh, I aint talking about the crappy plug kits you can get in the bike mags, I mean proper plugs done by pro tyre fitters, vulcanizign or something its called
Cheers for the reply m8.

Trouble is, all the bike places around here dont want to know when you mention "puncture repair".

"No m8, its not worth me doing it" is the jobsworth reply I have got so far. Most just want to flog you a new tyre.

Maybe I just need to look further afield. :D
I've used the slime and had tyres plugged. Both worked fine for the life of the tyre and speeds upto 150MPH, I'd be perfectly happy doing it again if there was enough tyre life to warrant it.

You should be able to buy the Slime from bike shops, last time I checked one of the best ones were Ultra Seal:

I'd personally get it plugged, most places shouldnt have a problem doing this I paid £15 last time.
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