Question..How much does it cost to run a average spec computer for 24hours ?

29 Mar 2007
IM sure many people get moaned at for leaving the computer on overnight, because they cant afford to pay the electric im just wondering how much it actually us...according to this website

ive done a very quick work out and ive come up with about 73pence per 24hours for a high end gaming computer according to the wattages ect from that site....

so a long day for me is about 12 hours on the computer so well half say 36pence...then we can try and work out that were talkin 900w power for a high end computer...mines not high end at about 450w so we can half it again from 18pence per day for me to run my computer..

obviously im not expecting them to be rite hehe...and i could guarantee they im wondering if anyone has any experinece or knowledge to see what the actually cost is, (so 24hours i rouph guess at 36pence) i find it interesting

Thanks ;)
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Energize said:
My pc has a 430 watt psu, but It only uses 160watts idle.

At 9p per kw, thats 35p per 24 hours.
i thought about that, thats only if the computer is pushing out the full 430though rite ?
Lets not forget the effeciency of the PSU as well - a common 75% efficiency 450W PSU will suck as much as 600W from the socket at peak load.
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buy a plug in meter and find out? Of course at about £10 you could have run your PC for over a month just to find out how long you can run your PC for :)
I heard somewhere that a pair of straighteners used for 5 minutes cost more than running a PC for 24 hours. SO she can stop telling me to turn it off at night or ill just say dont do your hair!
PC-M Vip3r said:
I heard somewhere that a pair of straighteners used for 5 minutes cost more than running a PC for 24 hours. SO she can stop telling me to turn it off at night or ill just say dont do your hair!
haha... :p
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