Quick emergency - customs at JFK??

18 Oct 2002
My friend is at JFK, flying home soon and he's asked several people there (including security!) and they have never heard of customs, keep directing him to check-in desks and travel exchange :confused: Illiterate ##### :p Anyway, does anyone know where customs are at JFK? He has a lot of tax to claim back...
I don't think customs at the airport will be able to help you as they only deal with people coming into the country.

Jokester said:
I don't think customs at the airport will be able to help you as they only deal with people coming into the country.


That's how it works in the EU, you go to customs with your receipts and they stamp it. Is that not how it works there also?
Dont they have a different word for it over there? Instead of Customs its.... gah word on edge of my tongue.
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