Quick SCCM 2012 related question?

3 Apr 2007
South of the Watford Gap!
As part of a task sequence there is a VB script that runs which validates via WMI that the hardware being built is known. It simply has a string of if then else's, the problem is that each time a new piece of hardware is added this script has to be modified. Ive been asked to look at modifying the script which is easy enough. In terms of long term I could modify the script to simply pull the valid devices from a text file to avoid having to modify the script but is there a more elegant way or even a feature in SCCM 2012 that I could make use of to maintain a list of valid devices.
Sort of, the TS would only continue if it's a known/approved type of machine. At the moment the VB script has to be modified to add systems/machines so for example a Lenova machine had already been added but after it had its motherboard replaced it reported itself as a slightly different system/model so the TS failed. So I'm looking for advice on if there's a way of managing this within SCCM.
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