Quickly help me please - so much lag on BF2142

12 Feb 2006
trying t play this again for the first time in well over a month and like before, i get so much lag its bascially unplayable and can sometimes not let me play for hours as it just loads the level and then chucks me out saying connection to server lost.

aynone know what i can do to fix this as its only on bf2142 and not my interenet. My net speed is very very high as its one of the top from virgin if not the top (don't know the speed though as mum deals with that) and also just got the latest patch and installed that and that was downloading at around 400-500.

So anyone?
Whats your ping inside servers?
Whats your pc specs?
What kind of connection are you on (500 kb/s downlaod is fine, but whats your upload?) ?

That info would help :p .
id love to give you that information but :( i dont know how to get it

tell me how and i will go do that now and post back with the results

the only thing i can kinda of give you is pc specs, though i know they are more then enough as i have played bf2142 and bf2 many times before perfectly, it just all of a sudden became bad and i stopped, and it still is so it needs to be fixed.

roughly what pc specs i have: 2gb ram, something like AMD x2 4400, ATI xt-1900, samsung 200gb (more or less) hd, 21 inch tft viewsonic tft.

can't remember any others but like i said its been fnie beforr so im sure thats not the problem here
Do a speedtest for internetspeed (just google speedtest and pick a site).
Your pc specs are fine.
As for ping: press tab whem gaming and look next to your name what you ping is ( most to the right of all numbers if i renmber correctly for bf2/2142 ).
Ping should be below 100 at all times imo. for smooth play, prefferably below 50, and ideally around 30 ish or lower.
It plays terrible when its running right anyway. I bought it when it first come out, got fed up with it and went back to playing BF2. Bought northern strike the other day so I had another go of 2142 and realised just how terrible it plays :(
i have just done a speed test and my results are:

download: 3986 kbs
upload: 196 kbs

I haven't got time just yet to try the ping in game as im going out but i will post first thing tomorrow.

Thanks guys for the help so far.
You upload is quite poor, I'd try to close all apps that might use internet, even if just checking for updates etc., however I don't know how much 2142 uses, i need to know you ping ingame usually and your ping when it lags...
addy_010 said:
trying t play this again for the first time in well over a month and like before, i get so much lag its bascially unplayable and can sometimes not let me play for hours as it just loads the level and then chucks me out saying connection to server lost.

aynone know what i can do to fix this as its only on bf2142 and not my interenet. My net speed is very very high as its one of the top from virgin if not the top (don't know the speed though as mum deals with that) and also just got the latest patch and installed that and that was downloading at around 400-500.

So anyone?

you mention its only a problem with bf2142. So you can play other online fps games fine?

could try a traceroute to the server you are trying to connect to.
Surfer said:
you mention its only a problem with bf2142. So you can play other online fps games fine?

could try a traceroute to the server you are trying to connect to.

i dont know as the only other game i have played online was bf2 and that was fine, but every now and again had same problem, though this really was much rarer (sp?)

whats a traceroute and what does it do?

jim5000 said:
Disable ingame VO-IP and your bad pings will go away. Shame to have to sacrifice it though :(

i'll give this a go nexttime im at home. I have never used the ingame VOIP anyways so not a lose at all.

Also just found that very soon will be getting upgraded to the 20mb net from virgin.

How could i increase the upload speed? nothing ever is running when im playing this game AFAIK so wouldn't know what to do.

thanks again
Ever since Virgin took over from Telewest i've had nothing but problems, our house lost its net connection for 48 hours and now its back all my online games lag like mad. Pings ranging from 20 to 300 throught the game, just gave up playing BF2142 till its fixed, i'm not to pleased to say the least
addy_010 said:
i dont know as the only other game i have played online was bf2 and that was fine, but every now and again had same problem, though this really was much rarer (sp?)

whats a traceroute and what does it do?

i'll give this a go nexttime im at home. I have never used the ingame VOIP anyways so not a lose at all.

Also just found that very soon will be getting upgraded to the 20mb net from virgin.

How could i increase the upload speed? nothing ever is running when im playing this game AFAIK so wouldn't know what to do.

thanks again

Tracing logs *** route from you to *** server hop by hop, showing ping per hop, that way u can identify where the holdup is (wich conenction is bad).

You can't increase your upload unless you get a new isp, next time don't just look at download but also at upload if you ever change isp.
snowdog said:
Tracing logs *** route from you to *** server hop by hop, showing ping per hop, that way u can identify where the holdup is (wich conenction is bad).

You can't increase your upload unless you get a new isp, next time don't just look at download but also at upload if you ever change isp.

but i woudn't have thought that the package with 10mb from virgin would havea bad upload speed? and seeing as it will be 20mb in a week or so thought this was like the top in UK? how could i go for better?

Im on a network if that might be stopping my upload speed being what it really should be? I can check the settings on the network thing byt typing in the ip address if that helps?

what upload speed am i wanting?

before anyone says anything im not getting lag because of the other people on the network as most of the time there pcs are off when im playing.
ok just played the game and i got 1 good game with id say my ping was on average 50, though sometimes coming up to 70 and gonig down to 22ish marks, then had a bad game wih just 24 players and the ping when good was at 70/80 but then would go up to 130 and 210ish and then just before i got chucked out i saw it at 280.

That any help to ya?
addy_010 said:
i always pick the ones with a green ping, didn't know it was possible to find an atual number before going ingame.
Click the advanced tab, you are in the Quick Game or whatever tab.
ok im mad again, its not letting my play for more then 4 seconds, tried playing every game in the world bur all chuck me out saying connection lost. When i get in the game i check my ping and it is only 20-25 so what could be the problem? its like my goes for a quick sec and comes, but because im playing the game it wants the net 100% and one second no net it chucks me out.

could this be like a faulty router or modem that every now and again is loosing the net for split a second or 2?
Tracing route to www.jolt.co.uk []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 10 ms 26 ms 8 ms
2 9 ms 9 ms 24 ms glfd-t2cam1-b-ge92.inet.ntl.com []
3 43 ms 40 ms 33 ms glfd-t2core-b-ge-wan64.inet.ntl.com [195.182.175
4 24 ms 9 ms 22 ms gfd-bb-b-so-520-0.inet.ntl.com []
5 12 ms 12 ms 34 ms gfd-bb-a-ge-000-0.inet.ntl.com []
6 83 ms 55 ms 23 ms pop-bb-b-so-010-0.inet.ntl.com []

7 28 ms 28 ms * tele-ic-2-as0-0.inet.ntl.com []
8 10 ms 23 ms 27 ms
9 19 ms 12 ms 10 ms g2-48-5.ar01.tn5.bb.pipex.net []
10 * 31 ms 9 ms ge-0-0-0-3801.jolt-gw.cust.pipex.net [212.241.24
11 11 ms 12 ms 14 ms secure.jolt.co.uk []

Trace complete.
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