Personally, no because of decades of lousy Linux and OpenGL support from AMD, ATI. Plus I use CUDA a fair bit and I'm very interested in nvidia deep learning software. But if I just wanted a windows gaming GPU it would be right up there. I would be very happy with an 480 GPU made by nvidia to get the Linux and OGL drivers. Thus likely I'll be looking for a second hand 970/980
if you are interested in deep learning, you should look up the new TPU chip made by google, they have been testing it for a year, and they said that perf/watt is 7 years ahead of what we have today.
it would be cool if most discussions are about cuda capability or compute, or linux, most argument are in gaming context, beside you cannot blame ppl for favoring a vendor to another.
personally i like AMD as a company (strategy and politics) and i also like their products value/$.
and i do like Nvidia's product for their performance, but i dont like the company's (strategy and politics).
everyone have a little bias, but the point is not letting that bias turn into lack of logic and common sense, when AMD screws something i agree with who ever blame it for that screw up, i dont go trying to find far fetched excuses, or when i see something i dont like in nvidia's politics or product by puting forward an argument, i appreciate ppl who reply with a counter argument, than someone who throws "fanboy" at you, and reply with an emotional tone devoided of common sense.
but most importantly as long as you are civil in the discussion it should go well heated arguments are not a problem for me, but when that turns to personal insults then thats not worth it.