Rail fares rise above inflation rate.

tbh I find it hard to have any sympathy, motorists and airline passengers contribute to the tax coffers, rail passengers cost the taxpayer money
[TW]Fox;22562198 said:
Imagine if all those rail passengers were on the roads instead :eek:

maybe they could use the rail subsidy to improve the roads :p

either way they get their transport subsidised by a huge amount and still moan about it, we pay many times the cost of what we use and are expected to shut up and live with it
I guess my question would be why are these flat rises allowed when, as far as I can see the companies are not able to prove they are increasing efficiency or proving real running savings or improvements year on year? I.e why are we in a position where these systems even need to be subsidised.

I'm not a regular train passenger but when I have had to use services in the past, particularly scotrail the level of service offered is frankly shocking - staff are nothing but rude (in the majority) and the services are chopped and changed with little notice - these are the things that really annoy customers.

Complain and you'll get the standard set of free vouchers - great except nothing is done about the service, either at a customer facing level or apparently in overall efficiency.

I'd be willing to bet there are many european models of how these kind of transport systems could and should be run at either a cost neutral position or small profit. If there aren't then we've come up with some frankly crap methods of transport!
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I had to abandon working in London as the cost of commuting was too much.

I think the rail service should be re-nationalised, as a good public transport system is an overall benefit to the nation, and too important to be left to the hands of private companies interested solely in short-term profit.
where is the difference? the companies need a subsidy to provide the service at the cost they do, if there were no subsidy then fares would be loads more expensive

The difference is it's the rail company's fault for being unable to provide a service at a reasonable price. And possibly the government's fault for imposing regulations that drive the cost up. The point is, a rail system should be able to benefit from economies of scale when compared to a person using a private car to commute. Since it actually works out more expensive per passenger mile, then something is clearly very very wrong. Blaming the passengers for it is just silly.
The ironic thing is that prices increase by RPI, but of course RPI increases as a result of the price increases, and so the cycle continues..
[TW]Fox;22562367 said:
The ironic thing is that prices increase by RPI, but of course RPI increases as a result of the price increases, and so the cycle continues..

Not even RPI - RPI + x% depending on which side of the border they're on.

I quite fancy an RPI + 3% salary rise every year to match it before I even think about trying to negotiate a payrise. Oddly enough I don't see my employer going for that
where is the difference? the companies need a subsidy to provide the service at the cost they do, if there were no subsidy then fares would be loads more expensive

For me the issue is that the government is spending more now to subsidise for-profit companies than it did when the network was publically owned (even when taking into account inflation, additional investment etc).

So from my point of view; prices are rising, subsidies are increasing, the trains are becoming more crowded and punctuality isn't improving.

With the roads; I'm sure some of our taxes go towards private companies who maintain/patrol the roads but we don't then have to pay them again for the privilege of using the roads...
**** national rail, thieving fat cat *******s! I've not had a pay rise from my public sector job in 3 years and these rail increases are taking the ****. No wonder people go on the dole.
For me the issue is that the government is spending more now to subsidise for-profit companies than it did when the network was publically owned (even when taking into account inflation, additional investment etc).

So from my point of view; prices are rising, subsidies are increasing, the trains are becoming more crowded and punctuality isn't improving.

With the roads; I'm sure some of our taxes go towards private companies who maintain/patrol the roads but we don't then have to pay them again for the privilege of using the roads...

From leeds to gunchester during peak hours I have to stand, in a non air conditioned train full of sweating people and the carriages stench and are full of polish trolley dolleys who's customer service makes McDonald's look like the Ritz.

Britian you may have made an impression during the Olym*****s but your Rail Transport service is a joke. Even Holland puts you to shame.
This country seriously has the one of the worlds worst rail-services. After trips in Europe & parts of Asia coming back home is like entering the dark ages. I swore a long time ago never to set foot in a UK train.

4 years and counting :D Ahh feels good!

America I might add has a terrible rail network too.
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