Random Hangs / Freezes and occasional 124 bsod - ideas?

20 Oct 2002
I have a real problem that's driving me nuts. :confused:

Current system is randomly hanging/freezing about once a day. First apps stop responding, no keyboard input is accepted (ie alt-tab or ctrl+alt+del or any keypress) but the mouse cursor can still move around for a few seconds then it too stops. The other thing is, that sometimes I get a 124 general hardware bsod. I've replaced the PSU, the graphics card, the hdd, memory. I've ran memtest with the current memory. I'm not even overclocking (not that it makes any difference) but I do have performance memory running at standard 1300 instead of its rated 2000 (whichever again makes no difference). I've reinstalled, re-re-installed. Changed everything about this computer except the motherboard and CPU. Still happens.

Am I right to suggest the motherboard is faulty?

Dump file and stuff here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/47522902/error_log.zip if anyone wants a look.

Fresh install of windows 7 pro with current hardware. All drivers / bios's everythings running latest versions, etc. System and CPU temps fine.

Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD5
Intel i7 860 @2.84GHz (stock) with Gelid Tranquilo cooler
g.skill ripjaws 4gb 2000 @ 1300 or 2000
Asus DirectCUII 6950 2gb
Corsair AX850 850W PSU
all housed in an Antec 900

Really bored of this. Been happening for months. :(

Help appreciated.

PS - All of the replaced bits n bobs are now in another case (bought a new budget i3+mobo to make use of the spares) and working fine with same operating system. Practically identical systems except for motherboard and CPU.
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I should also point out I have a vertex3 ssd which I'd thought might be contributing to the problem but this has been the issue of just occasionally "disappearing" giving me BOOTMGR not found. This happens less often since I've tried every ssd tweak in the book. But it does still happen occasionally.
I should also point out I have a vertex3 ssd which I'd thought might be contributing to the problem but this has been the issue of just occasionally "disappearing" giving me BOOTMGR not found. This happens less often since I've tried every ssd tweak in the book. But it does still happen occasionally.

It's hearing things like that that puts me off buying ssd drives (as well as the worrying drive failure rates..).

anyway, i'm experiencing random freezes as well. Not sure if it's to do with my outdated hardware (i very much doubt) but it's a common problem amongst users of windows 7 with the latest hardware.

the link below suggests there may be a hotfix from microsoft. I've read another article where it's the keyboard (weird i know) that's causing win7 to feeze. I've since switched from my logitech illuminated keyboard to a standard cheapo basic keyboard... so far not feezed yet (though it's only been 2 days).

If you don't have an old keyboard to try, they say use a usb extender/hub to introduce some electrical resistance.. don't ask me, i'm only suggesting what the article was purporting :)


anyway, hope one of these things works for you! (and me too! :P)
Source (Bottom of post 1)


I do have a logitech illuminated keyboard as well as a g13 keypad... hmm interesting. I will try connecting them via my usb hub first and see how that goes. Afterwards I may try raising the vcore etc. It's not overclocked at all at the moment though, so I dont see why that should need to be changed. Ah well. Thanks for the replies so far.
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