Random photographs...

8 Sep 2005
And i meant really random...just thought i would share some of these. All shots i've taken but never bothered to upload them because i didn't think they were any good.
C&C away.





I really like 3, 9 and 10.

3, The colours are spot on and the exposure was the correct duration, but crucially, started at just the right moment so as to catch maximum movement without highlighting the background. Very nice indeed.

9, is very well done indeed, How did you get the back ground so dark? Do you by any chance remember what settings you used? (Tall order i know, but would be great to know as I been planning on taking some shots like this for a while now :) )

10, I dont know what it is about this shot. It has excellent depth of field and hence the focusing is spot on. the colours and contrast to the shot are well done. The exposure I think is the thing im most impressed with. you managed to expose for just about everything! the gound is good, the wall is spot on, and the metal work, although highlighted in some small spots seems to suit the shot perfectly.

Very nice indeed :)
woodsy2k said:
I really like 3, 9 and 10.

3, The colours are spot on and the exposure was the correct duration, but crucially, started at just the right moment so as to catch maximum movement without highlighting the background. Very nice indeed.

9, is very well done indeed, How did you get the back ground so dark? Do you by any chance remember what settings you used? (Tall order i know, but would be great to know as I been planning on taking some shots like this for a while now :) )

10, I dont know what it is about this shot. It has excellent depth of field and hence the focusing is spot on. the colours and contrast to the shot are well done. The exposure I think is the thing im most impressed with. you managed to expose for just about everything! the gound is good, the wall is spot on, and the metal work, although highlighted in some small spots seems to suit the shot perfectly.

Very nice indeed :)

Cheers for the comments :)

9 - A midnight sky makes an incredibly good black background :p Pointed the camera to the sky, used a low aperture with a flash, which helps with making the background darker. Think i used a pretty low shutter speed aswell, probably about 2-3.

10 - I really like this photo actually, the crazy depth of field makes a very boring photo interesting imo, and the contrast between the metal and wood is nice.
alexisonfire said:
Cheers for the comments :)

10 - I really like this photo actually, the crazy depth of field makes a very boring photo interesting imo, and the contrast between the metal and wood is nice.

Number 10 looks a bit like a HDR, but I love that shot, your right the contrast between the metal and wood looks excellent.
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