Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction

18 Oct 2002
Thanks M3Freak.

1up.com article:


In game screenshots:




Trailer with ingame footage:

h264: http://download.gamevideos.com/10000/gv.com.RatchetClankPS3DebutTrailerHD_1280x720.mov
WMV: http://download.gamevideos.com/10000/gv.com.RatchetClankPS3DebutTrailerHD_1280x720.wmv
The graphics are pretty decent imo, at worst above average.
slambo69 said:
Are those building completely flat and 2d?
They do look like that, but I don't think 'realistic' would suit the cartoon art style.

I would probably buy it if I owned a PS3.
Kamakazie! said:
Looks really good.
How on earth do the buildings look flat? They are clearly 3D.

Still won't be buying a PS3 though.... £425 :O

Personally i would spend the £425 purely for Ratchet and MGS4 :D
But i am stoopid lol
Pug said:
wow, awesome looking imo.

No way are they "at least average"

Indeed. Best looking platformer to date.
Might end up being rubbish but Insomniac are a pretty good developer. I don't get their whole Playstation exclusive outlook though... Sony must be giving them ££££££££ to stay exclusive.
I think they have a very good working relationship with Sony built up over the years since the PS.
Makes sense, if you have been getting along great with one company, and no doubt getting extra help, inside info and probably some cash, there is no reason to go multi format.
I think they have a very good working relationship with Sony built up over the years since the PS.
Makes sense, if you have been getting along great with one company, and no doubt getting extra help, inside info and probably some cash, there is no reason to go multi format.

In some cases, but the sales on the PS3 will be pitiful for at least another year. I hope they are getting a SERIOUS amount of cash for the exclusivity with the installed user base that the PS3 currently has.
Pug said:
wow, awesome looking imo.

No way are they "at least average"
If you were quoting me (as I'm the only one I can see who evan says the word average) you might want to read my post again, you clearly missunderstood it. ;)
Kamakazie! said:
In some cases, but the sales on the PS3 will be pitiful for at least another year. I hope they are getting a SERIOUS amount of cash for the exclusivity with the installed user base that the PS3 currently has.

Not really, by this time next week the PS3 will have what, 3million consoles in circulation, by the time fall '07 comes along i would be surprised if that is below 5/6million. Then the christmas rush, i think MS shifted almost a million 360's at christmas alone. So the user base is when it will be out, not the user base just now. Plus it will be a must have game at christmas, as it is adult orientated, but can be played by people of all ages, they do not need to worry about sales IMO.
Like i said, i think a good close working relationship with your hardware vendor is worth an awfull lot too. Insomniac are probably treated as a Sony Dev house, without actually being one.
I doubt they will want to p off the company that will help them make a great RFOM2, Ratchet for a long time and PSP titles aswell. I wouldn't be surprised if the managed to get a wee port/scaled down version to PS2.

btw i will gladly wear the badge of a ratchet fanboy :D
wedgie22 said:
If you were quoting me (as I'm the only one I can see who evan says the word average) you might want to read my post again, you clearly missunderstood it. ;)

just a general comment really mate to the first few posts in the thread :)
Pug said:
just a general comment really mate to the first few posts in the thread :)
Ok mate, no problem.

I just thought you might have read my post to mean I was saying it looked average, given the use of quote marks.

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