rate of tax

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

Does anyone know the rate of the tax you should be paying on a salary of £22 K per annum?

Is it 19% or 21% I think thats the annual rate..

please help

so whats the final take home pay after tax if u earnt £22k


different sites are saying different things hmmm i.e. like him you compare the iresign.com calculator to the one in the post above they both say different final take home amounts...hmm

pls clarify for me..

i have no pensions / students loans outstanding
wow are you sure? becuz I have been getting £1356 only....I dont have any student loans or pensions or any debts against that...so I just need to take out NI and tax only..

whats gone wrong

look both sites say different amounts for £22K

a) site1 - I resign.com

b) site2 - salary calculator..


pls clarify
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wow are you sure? becuz I have been getting £1356 only....I dont have any student loans or pensions or any debts against that...so I just need to take out NI and tax only..

whats gone wrong

Whats your tax code?

and remember the tax brackets just changed a few weeks ago.
1. Why does it matter what the exact montly amount is? You will find out when you get your payslip.

2. How on Earth did you get a job paying 22K buy using the words u because and pls? ;) :p

Question one is a serious one and number two is a rhetorical humorous one!
wow are you sure? becuz I have been getting £1356 only....I dont have any student loans or pensions or any debts against that...so I just need to take out NI and tax only..

whats gone wrong

look both sites say different amounts for £22K

a) site1 - I resign.com

b) site2 - salary calculator..


pls clarify

site 2 is correct for this tax year
site 1 is using last years rates

edit: i think the NI is wrong on site 1 as well
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I checked my last months pay slip and the tax code on there is 522L...

Last week I received my P60 and on that also the tax code is 522L...

My question is if I have only received £1356 since NOV 07, and Im on 22K per annum ( i have no student loans or debts against my name to be taken from my wages) what am I owed since NOV 07...

And finally what is my new "proper" wage...

Please help


P.S. taking into consideration the previous post where the poster suggests site 1 is calcuting incorrectly, then each year does the level of tax you pay decrease or increase? surely it increases thus leaving you will a little less take home? ok that doesnt take into account your annual wage increase etc...

I just need to know what I am owed from NOV 07 so I can present my dilemma to my M.D.

please help
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It will depend on any income you had before Nov 07 as well. You might find over the whole tax year your tax/ni deductions were correct.

522L tax code was correct for last tax year, this year (from 6th April 08) it'll probably be 543L
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