Rchargeable Batteries - Any good?

31 May 2005
As title.

Looking to get some rechareable ones for general use. Camera, keyboard, mouse, gamepad, childrens toys.

Any recomendations on which batteries to use?

The highest you can get is (I think) 2100mah on AA batteries, however these need a good charger, otherwise if you use a normal charger it will probably take a couple of days :p
pyro said:
The highest you can get is (I think) 2100mah on AA batteries, however these need a good charger, otherwise if you use a normal charger it will probably take a couple of days :p
2500Mah from argos, however i believe i've seen 2700Mah before
williamw11 said:
2700 £6 for 4

The most ive seen is 2500

Anyone know of a charger to go with them?

EDIT: Thanks for the info guys.

Found 2800Mah batteries with charger on an auction site for £25. Doesnt seem too bad.

Any batteries better than MaH?
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Gimpymoo said:
The most ive seen is 2500

Anyone know of a charger to go with them?

Well if you are getting 2500 get a 2500 one :p The good ones have a fan to keep the batteries cool and leds to show what each battery is doing.
Adam_151 said:
Get Ni-MH ones as opposed to Ni-Cad (they're so '90s now :p ) and look for the highest capacity you can get

You say that but my digital camera on full charged batteries;

Uniros Red 0800 ma Ni-Cad = 120 photos
Uniros Gre 1300 ma Ni-Mh = 60 photos

Same place with same settings on the camera?!
ste_bla said:
You say that but my digital camera on full charged batteries;

Uniros Red 0800 ma Ni-Cad = 120 photos
Uniros Gre 1300 ma Ni-Mh = 60 photos

Same place with same settings on the camera?!
Ni-Cad holds the same charge throughout then it instantly dies, while Ni-Mh will slowly lose charge.
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I use both the "Energizer ACCU" 1600mAh and the "Duracell rechargeable ACCU" 2300mAh. I have had better results in some ways with the Duracell in that they hold thier charge "on the shelf" longer, but the Energizers seem to last longer in use. Both brands have held up under rigorous use and abuse.

Other brands I have tried don't seem to hold up in any category.
sja360 said:
Ni-Cad holds the same charge throughout then it instantly dies, while Ni-Mh will slowly lose charge.

Thats not true, both have voltage drop. My guess is that the NiMH cells you had could not hold the current the camera. NiCd's overall have the better C rating then NiMH.

I use these ones on the below site, 4 2700mAh cells for £5.10 and free 1st class postage. I then recommend the charger lower down on the page also, nice and fast charge.

The charger and 4 cells bundle is a bargain though at £12.50 in my opinion. If you dont mind havign 100mAh less then you will find it fine, not sure on the charge time mind.


I'd much rather use those then Duracell etc. They are rip offs in my opinion. Especially thinking there are only a few factories in the world that make cells.
I recently bought 25 X 2500mah Nimh rechargable aa, they did cost quite a bit but they were well worth it. Along with a 1 hour fast charger.

Definately get them, save you a lot more in the long run.
The good thing about NI-MH is that you dont need to completely drain them before you charge them. You can top them up and they will still hold the same charge, NI-CAD have to be completely drained before charging and must be charged for the full length of time.

This is about the best charger as you are going to sensibly get.

*whoops cant link there*

You can go the RC charger way and use the 4 cell cradles. Then you could in thoery charge 24 cells in like 40minutes using multiple cradles for the cells linked up in series.
Mark A said:
The good thing about NI-MH is that you dont need to completely drain them before you charge them. You can top them up and they will still hold the same charge, NI-CAD have to be completely drained before charging and must be charged for the full length of time.

Ahh yes, good ol' NiCad "memory".

In days of old I had great success with GE (General Electric) rechargables. I wonder if they're still available.
That link above is dead....

I didnt understand this u got this 1 hour rapid charger here for 14.75 quid


but then it says when u put in 4 batts it takes 4.5+ hours

1 batt per hour is that then? shame it cant do all 4 in 1 hour...

Ive been using my Nh-2100 8 batts with a 4-6 hour charge for the past 3-4 years and there still going well but it would be nice to get a faster charger/longer lasting batts:)

10.20 quid for 8X AA 2700 mAh batts sounds awesome

Best way to do a large amount of cells and charge them fast is to use an rc charger. Its easy enough and lots can be charged at once. We are talking like less then 1 hour charge.

The reason why the time goes up the more cells you use is because it has a max watt rating which isnt high enough for the fast rate to charge 4 cells.
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