Rearranged flat, Sonos connectivity

1 Jul 2007
Hey everyone. I've recently reorganised my flat, and the upshot is that my Beam is too far from my other Sonos devices to work. I can obviously still play sound through it via the TV, but it's out of range for SonosNet so I can't play music through it as I usually would.

I have a TP-Link mesh network which reaches the room that the Beam is in perfectly well, so the only issue is SonosNet. The easiest solution is obviously to buy a new Play 1 to put in the gap, and I'm tempted to just do that, but realistically it's an expensive solution and I'm just trying to justify a new toy!

Is there a way to tell the Sonos system to use the TP-Link network rather than its own, as that should offer coverage to the Beam? And would using that network be as solid as using the Sonos network? Or should I just bite the bullet and add to my collection?!
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