Recommend 8mbit luu isp?

12 Sep 2005
Share house, Lots of usage on 2mb (100gig+), Poor students, Which isp do you recommend oh dear ocuk?
You've got to take the Bulldog voice service, yes. But it's still a "BT line" in the same way as any other ADSL setup (still Openreach dealing with faults etc) - there's just different components connected at the other end.

But that's assuming you can get the Bulldog LLU service in the first place - Samknows is your friend there.
hmm that site says i cant get llu

Broadband availability overview
LLU services: No
Cable: No
Wireless: No

But the F2S website 8mb checker says

Contratulations, BT report your local exchange (*******) is ADSL enabled, and your line (**********) could have ADSL speeds of up to 6.50 Mb/s.

It appears you may already have ADSL on this line, but you can still migrate to us if you wish.

To purchase and for more product details please Click here.

And my friend has 8128/448 from bt yahoo i think.
You've slept through IPStream and DataStream Max going through a loooong trial and making it to a publicly available product more than 2 months ago then :p

On the other hand, good luck finding an ISP that'll let you push >100GB/month, either at 2Mbps or up to 8Mbps, while using IPStream without paying through the nose for it, or scheduling your downloading in off-peak hours.

F2S do on 2mb but as it's a shared connection (4 people 5 days a week and which ever noobs bring there computers round for lanage at the weekend) we need something faster.
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