Recommend me: A camera with Macro and PC control

12 Feb 2007
South Shields
I have a Sony A200, but I am looking for a new camera for product photography. Obviously this will be sitting on top of a tripod on a bench, and the parts are small electronic components. Anyone done this sort of stuff and can recommend a camera?

I am after a macro function, and the ability to control it via the PC. I have firewire and USB, so no issues there.
Compact, DSLR, whatever is suitable tbh!
Dont quite get what you mean with the PC control fella but your A200 is fine for product photography.

What you need to think about is perhaps a new lens for your body & how you want to light your subject.

What lenses do you currently have? Do you do any product photography currently?
I think he meant tethering; like shooting using his PC to control all the settings found on the camera e.g. shutter button, focus points e.t.c.
I think he meant tethering; like shooting using his PC to control all the settings found on the camera e.g. shutter button, focus points e.t.c.

Ah understand now.
Then in that regard I'm pretty sure the A200 does not support that feature.

Any specific reason you need that feature Philly? I know it has its advantages but for prod pics its not really required.
Coz it would make my life easier!
It definatly does not support it.
The products are so small, that they have to sit on a mat/grid I made myself, and sit above it on a tripod. To save my back I cannot really put it on the floor, I have around 500 items to take photos of at the moment. And thats just the start!

At the very least, just a live view and a shutter release would do. The A200 only uses the viewfinder, and not the LCD, which is a shame.

I just use the kit lens, and I have 2 flourescent lights above, I know the lighting could do with improvement! I have some images, nothing very special.
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