Recommend me a good network book please!

1 Aug 2003
I'm fed up with not knowing about networks and 'just getting by' where their setting up is concerned.

So I'm after a good book that will give me a working understanding of the subject. I don't want to become a systems administrator, just enough to know what I'm doing and why!

Anyone got any good recommendations?

I'm currently looking at this one linky (ocuk don't sell books do they so its ok to post this!) but I'm a little worried that because it was published in '04 it won't cover XP in its present form, ie with SP2's feature set.
I found the Sam's 24 hour books were crap (but the one I tried was learn C++).
The only networky book I've got here is the Cisco Cookbook. But it's more used as a paperweight than anything else.
Best way to learn this sort of stuff, is to get your hands on the stuff you want to learn about, have a play with it at home, and then use google to sort out any problems you have. No better way to learn imo.
Phnom_Penh said:
Best way to learn this sort of stuff, is to get your hands on the stuff you want to learn about, have a play with it at home, and then use google to sort out any problems you have. No better way to learn imo.

Exactly. I didn't know what an NIC was until I wanted to connect two PCs together.
the "for dummies" books are ok, tho slightly inaccurate at times and generally centered around XP only. If you reall wanna learn networks, start with CCNA1&2 course textbook. Only like £30 max on amazon. covers basics like What a subnet mask is/does. How to set ip addresses etc. semester1 is the basics, semester 2 you start bringing in the detail.

Edit, i second the play and break stuff tho. You can fix it then you know about all there is to know about it tbh. The book comes with a CD of e-labs and toys like router simulator and cisco config maker/packet tracer.
So you can put theory into practise.
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