If I'm not alloud to ask this please close or Delete meh!..
Anyhew... I just bought a Spanking JVC DVD-Recorder at the weekend whan my 5 year old VCR went kapoot and ate a tape!...
Anyhew, The recorder I bought was the JVC DR-M150s - Freeview, DVD-R/RW/RAM... Component/Progressive out!... all for £180 including 3x RAM and 5x -RW discs...
The problem I have is its locked to Region 2... Does anyone know if there is a handset Hack, Fiemware update or any other way to make this Recorder Multi Region (Preferably Multiregion 1-6 rather than Region Free 0) without invalidating the garantee!...

Anyhew... I just bought a Spanking JVC DVD-Recorder at the weekend whan my 5 year old VCR went kapoot and ate a tape!...
Anyhew, The recorder I bought was the JVC DR-M150s - Freeview, DVD-R/RW/RAM... Component/Progressive out!... all for £180 including 3x RAM and 5x -RW discs...
The problem I have is its locked to Region 2... Does anyone know if there is a handset Hack, Fiemware update or any other way to make this Recorder Multi Region (Preferably Multiregion 1-6 rather than Region Free 0) without invalidating the garantee!...
