Remember that guy, whose car's accelerator jammed, and hit 135mph?

11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Ahahaha, Fantastic

BBC said:
A motorist who said he drove for 60 miles at speeds of up to 130mph after the accelerator on his BMW car jammed has been arrested.
Kevin Nicolle, 26, of Southsea, Hampshire, was travelling down the A1 before he crashed into a roundabout at Blyth, Nottinghamshire, in March.

He later blamed the high speed ride on a mechanical fault.

Police confirmed Mr Nicolle was arrested on 24 May on suspicion of dangerous driving and later bailed.

The lorry driver had said he began to panic when its brakes started to fail and he was unable to put the automatic BMW 318 car in neutral.

He said he decided against turning off the engine for fear the steering would lock.

Wonder if they are going to charge him, and lock him away, forever!
What a crap BBC news article :confused: Doesn't even say what the new evidence is that has incriminated him?

I knew it was a load of bull... bet he saw a scamera flash in his mirror and thought "Oh well, can blame it on the car's gas pedal... *floors it*"
Yea it is a poor news item, no doubt BMW and the police have looked over the car and figured if it was a mechanical fault or not.

Hope he gets done over tbh he looks rather simple!
For those unaware of the orignal story, click here.

The driver has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving. :D:D

Click here to read today's article on him. ;)

From here:
Two independent examinations on Mr Nicolle's car, one for Nottinghamshire Police and one for BMW, found no mechanical defects, she added.
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not many 318 autos would do an actual 130mph tho i'd suspect

EDIT: and Parkers would agree with me :confused:
wtf, why has he been charged? Are they saying he actually deliberately chose to crash his car into a roundabout? And why would he ring the police and tell them of his problem?

Just because some 'experts' say the car is fine doesn't mean it is true. I've had enough incompetent mechanics work on my cars over the years to know that much.
hmmm why would he phone the police "I'm speeding" and smash the car risking his life, just to avoid a speeding fine/ban? Couldn't he just remove the keys from ignition?

Sounds like a coverup by BMW. :)
Clerkin said:
so why would he ring the police and tell them when he was speeding down the hard shoulder :confused:

I would like to ask that question too.

You know those fault that only manifest itself when it is just you and the appliance? then once you take it to the dealer they find nothing wrong with it? ...well, it could have something similar to that..

It **could** be true he had a fault but bmw decide to cover it up? I doubt they will though..
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Clerkin said:
so why would he ring the police and tell them when he was speeding down the hard shoulder :confused:

he wanted some "chase me, chase me" action. you've only got to look at his bleach blonde hair to see that :o
Anyone remember the guy in the 38 ton artic unit a few years back who also claimed the throttle was stuck?

He was a fruit cake. Got some mental disorder - an actual real live attention whore. He got off though cos the docs said he was totally la la.

I call BS.
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