Reported iPhone lost, got a new one but found old one

14 Aug 2004
Hi all

I lost my iPhone and have claimed off the insurance. I got a new phone but my old phone was barred and the sim blocked. I'm just wondering if there is anyway of me getting the old sim unlocked to use on my new phone as I've found my old phone now. Just wondering what 02 will say about me finding my old phone, will they try and take back the new one? lol.
If you claimed off the insurance doesn't the old iPhone now, technically, belong to the insurance company?

Might want to be a little careful about how you handle this incase it comes back to bite you on the arse.
The old iphone will likely have its IMEI barred, so the phone will be useless in the UK.

For it to work again it would need to be unbarred, which involves telling o2 who will want the new iphone back im assuming.

Oh and the old sim will have been cancelled, hence why you got a new one. o2 will not (or cant) reactivate it
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