Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut (with motion controls)

17 Apr 2007
stat city
Wii owners getting some love with the newly announced Resi 5 Directors Cut.


Only kidding. The director's cut is coming out on the PS3 with adding motion control support. Kinda lame the vanilla version won't be patched with motion controls. I just hope they only use the motion controls for the aiming and there isn't any waggle in there. The aiming on Resi 4 for the Wii was spot on.

This also looks like motion controls are here to stay and will be used in every big title game.

GiantBomb said:
Resident Evil 5 will also have motion controller support, but this won't be a patch. Instead, it'll be a whole new release known as Resident Evil 5: Director's Cut. Capcom's Jun Takeuchi was on stage to debut the new version of the game, and those on-hand seem to universally describe it as similar to the Wii release of Resident Evil 4.

A voice actress from Resident Evil 5 recently made comment about going back in to record new dialogue for an RE5 update, so it seems safe to assume that there will be more to this update than control changes.
Wait, how are you going to hold sony's new wand controller and the DS3? Unless these motion controls are used with DS3. If so, then thats lame as hell.
Its wand in one hand DS3 in the other, thats what I've read just now. They showed it off like that apparently.

Nabbed from elsewhere:

This has to be a joke. I'd rather use my feet to control the DS3 then use one hand.


EDIT: Just tested out the DS3 by holding it one hand and the wii mote in the other. It actually doesn't feel that bad. It could work.
The ds3 is only used for the d-pad, left stick and 2 shoulder buttons. The wand has a trigger button like the wiimote has. Not sure about face buttons.
Watching the video, aiming does look fairly cool, but think you'll need the eye toy to make it work?

Can see it could be quite cool, PS3 with its own Wiimote.. lol I dunno about holding the DS3 like that though..... Wouldn't it hurt after a while? I can see a nun chuck style PS3 DS controller being released...

The DS3 feels fine holding it in one hand and just using the left side of the controller.
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