Resolution on 4k monitor - scaling

You should have an option that looks ok, have you tried them all and can’t find one to settle on? In which case you might need BetterDisplay
I settled in 1440p but it feels a waste of the resolution like I should have got a 1440p monitor.

The windows of most apps I can get acceptable (but still not great, e.g gmail has weird big wriiting) but the Mac top bar itself has text and icons so tiny it’s ridiculous

Sorry for any wrong terminology I am fairly new to macOS
Go into system report if it’s says resolution is 5120x2880 but UI looks like 2560x1440 then it’s running in Retina mode and is decent on a 4K monitor.

Here’s mine…

I think I understand lol. I’m used to it now and am enjoying it just can’t help think I’m missing out and “wasting” resolution…..
I have my Windows 11 machine set to 3840x2160 but it's scaled to 150% which means it's actually running at 2560x1440. A Mac running at 2560x1440 in Retina mode will look sharper.
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