Results of Memory Tweaking - OCZ PC2-8500 Reaper HPC Edition

5 Jan 2007
Hey peeps,

Had a few hours to kill today so decided to optimize my memory settings, I've already O/C my CPU and have had it as high as 3.2 but have reduced it down to 2.8 on a 1600Mhz FSB.

After reading several sources of information I decided that there wasn't much benefit in running the memory at its rated speed of 1066/7Mhz because that would be faster than the FSB. I happened to find someone had found that this memory would run 4-4-4-10 timings at 453Mhz, so I decided to use that as my starting point.

Then in another article I found that Corsair had been recommending to set the TRC to 15 on some of their higher rated modules so I stuck that in the mix to.

Here are my results below, I imagine I may be able to tighten them a little more with some patience.


Hmmmm Everest doesn't show much improvement (if any) and Sandra shows quite a bit of improvement. I must find out what is wrong with my Crysis benchmarks though as they were much better under Windows XP (currently on Windows 7).
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