Returning a faulty Macbook Pro

19 May 2009
I purchased a Macbook Pro a month ago and when it arrived the fans were making a horrible noise as if their was a wire catching them or something.

I promptly phoned Apple, arranged for a replacement to be sent (which I received a week later) and they said TNT would contact me to arrange collection of the faulty MBP.

However, a month on, and TNT haven't contacted me. I had an email from an Apple rep 3 weeks ago saying that TNT had contacted me 3 times (which they haven't) and that I needed to contact Apple asap. I replied to that email stating that I work full time AND I'm at university and therefore the collection needs to be at a weekend.

A week later, the same Apple Rep replied with an almost identical email to the first one but also acknowledging that there are 'special circumstances'.

Now, 2 weeks since their last email, I have not had any contact (or attempt of contact) from Apple or TNT and I still have this faulty laptop in my house.

Can Apple charge me for this laptop if they don't collect it?
There is no way they will forget about it!

Get it sorted ASAP!

I'm not expecting them to forget about it. At the end of the day, what good's a faulty MBP to me??

What I want to know is will they end up charging me for it if they don't come and collect it?
Yes they probably could. If I were you I would give them a call as they request. But still firmly state that the collection has to be at a weekend. Also put this in writing and send it recorded delivery in case things become legal later. Also state that the courier has not made any attempt to contact you despite Apple stating they have.

Another approach could be to suggest to them that you will drop it into an Apple store if there is one nearby.
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