Rift: Planes of Telara - Yes another mmo :)

Crikey, it even looks a bit like WoW, hopefully they'll offer some new twists on the genre.

Which is my issue really, MMO's have been big business for a long time, yet we don't really see any major mould-breakers. Well, not any good ones anyway. Surely there must be more to MMO's than grinding quests and instances? At least EVE is different.

And 2011 (assuming its out by then, which could be unlikely) will be the year for SW:KotR. Combination of Bioware and SW license? Doesn't get much better really, even if they are sticking to the standard MMO formula.
any mmo is apparantly a wow clone these days... even though wow is a clone of pretty much every other fantasy mmo...

i dont bother comparing them, if i get in beta cool. but if not when it comes out, i take a look. if a friends playing it, ill usually pick it up to give it a try. im not going to judge it off a simple first trailer.
WTB a Decent Eve Online Clone.

getting fed up with seeing all the Wow clones :(

I'm suprised there aren't more eve clones, its one of the easiest types of game to develop (no organic/animated models, no worries about visibility (occlusion) or complex collision interactions, etc.) and eve has been a fairly big sucess.
Just another MMO which has all been done before tbh.

Tera is the only 1 with anything new coming to it.
Scott Hartsmann (the guy in the 2nd vid) was previously working for Sony on EQ2. He took EQ2, which was a shambles at the start, and turned that game around. Got rid off all the silly mechanics and made EQ2 fun to play. Also, he's a pretty cool guy generally.

Of course, Rift could still tank. But knowing Harstmann's involved means this MMO is actually worth watching.
Just another MMO which has all been done before tbh.

Not really. Or at least, not for a long time. Dynamic content is really really cool and has more or less been ignored in recent MMO's. Imagine a server specific storyline that the players themselves get to decide the outcome. Using WoW as an example, imagine an event that sees Stormwind being taken over by Thunder Bluff, permanently. Stranglethorn becoming a desert, flash floods in Tanaris. That sort of thing. World changing events that allow the player to sculpt the environment, or politically affect the status quo.
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