So I've signed up for a thing at work called the
Global Corporate Challenge. Anyone done it before? It's like a 100 day exercise challenge that runs from late May to early September. You sign up as a team of 7, so my team is made up of me and another guy in my office who does quite a bit of running, and then 5 girls from our Epsom office. You get a pedometer and have to log how many steps you do per day, and you can score steps for other exercises like cycling or swimming, which have particular conversion rates based on how far you go. Swimming converts pretty well, if you're a quick swimmer. Cycling gets you about 300 steps per kilometer, so I'd get about 11000 steps just cycling to and from work each day.
I'm thinking I might use it as a springboard to try out running... I've always been crap at running, like utter garbage, can't do more than 100 yards, but I'm thinking I must be able to get the hang of it, given I can cycle somewhat competently. I'm thinking of getting some running shoes and other kit and trying out the Couch to 5k plan. If I took my gear to work with me I could get in a couple of runs at lunchtimes during the week. It'd be something new and it'd probably be good as cross training, and good to do a bit of impact exercise before I lose all bone density.
So, maybe I'll be logging runs on strava before too long...