
27 Mar 2004
Firstly, i have to admit i'm no fan of basketball. It all seems a bit pointless to me. However, if there are other players with the character of Denis Rodman then i may start to get interested.

His game for the Brighton Bears resulted in a 91-88 victory . Spending 3 weeks in the Big Brother House and then partying at Stringfellows was hardly the ideal preparation for a basketball game. Did Brighton Bears get value for money?
How the hell do the Brighton Bears intend making all this publicity pay? I very much doubt that increased attendences alone will make up the £20,000 that Rodman was reported to be getting for the one game.
fozzybear said:
How the hell do the Brighton Bears intend making all this publicity pay? I very much doubt that increased attendences alone will make up the £20,000 that Rodman was reported to be getting for the one game.
Considering hardly anyone in this country watches bb at all, I think all that publicity must've multiplied their audience by x20 at least!:D
fozzybear said:
Firstly, i have to admit i'm no fan of basketball. It all seems a bit pointless to me. However, if there are other players with the character of Denis Rodman then i may start to get interested.

His game for the Brighton Bears resulted in a 91-88 victory . Spending 3 weeks in the Big Brother House and then partying at Stringfellows was hardly the ideal preparation for a basketball game. Did Brighton Bears get value for money?

You should have started watching 10 yrs ago then, Rodman at the height of his game, as was Sir Charles Barkeley (who is even more powerful a character than Rodman) and Jordan...them were the golden days of the NBA :cool:
From what my brother was telling me down the pub last night, the stadium the game was played held 1000 people and they charged £40 a ticket and filled it.
fozzybear said:
How the hell do the Brighton Bears intend making all this publicity pay? I very much doubt that increased attendences alone will make up the £20,000 that Rodman was reported to be getting for the one game.

I'm pretty sure it's a bit of prestige rather than a money-making exercise. That said, it's probably encouraged a few people to go to the game than would normally, and hopefully they'll go again.

The Atlanta '96 US Dream Team was absolutely awesome.
Ex-RoNiN said:
You should have started watching 10 yrs ago then, Rodman at the height of his game, as was Sir Charles Barkeley (who is even more powerful a character than Rodman) and Jordan...them were the golden days of the NBA :cool:

Sir Charles, he's never wrong!

Loved those days.
fozzybear said:
Did Brighton Bears get value for money?
That all depends on how much they made from the exercise & how much the BBL are likely to fine them for fielding 4 work permit players;)
Yes. B'Ball will never be the same as it was in the early '90s with MJ, Magic, Barkley Hakeem the Dream personal favourite after MJ was Shawn Kemp of the Supersonics.

Rodman is a 5 time NBA Champion, and 11th in the all time rebounds per game.

There is a greater longevity in Basketball than other sports, in no small part due to the fact that the players are rotated.

There are a number of players in their mid-late 30's who still cut the grade in the NBA.
bb = BasketBall, not Big Brother

I think we were quite lucky in that we had ITV covering the NBA in the mid90s which as someone mentioned above was a bit of a 'golden age'.... Bulls at their peak with Jordan/Pippen/Rodman, Sonics with Kemp/Payton, Stockton/Malone still doing the biz for the Jazz, and even the now quite famous Kobe Bryant as a rookie for the Lakers. Plus a load of other top players like Hakeem, Shaq, Robinson, Barkley etc.
Scotty Pippen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry had to say it, basketball back in the day was awesome watching it was sweet, and then playing NBA jam made it even better!
sandy10 said:
Yes. B'Ball will never be the same as it was in the early '90s with MJ, Magic, Barkley Hakeem the Dream personal favourite after MJ was Shawn Kemp of the Supersonics.

Rodman is a 5 time NBA Champion, and 11th in the all time rebounds per game.

There is a greater longevity in Basketball than other sports, in no small part due to the fact that the players are rotated.

There are a number of players in their mid-late 30's who still cut the grade in the NBA.

Hakeem Olojuwon was my MSN name for 2 years! Then it was Isiah 'Zeke' Thomas for a while! The dude are utter legends!

Now it's 'PG [The Floor General]' because I'm a point guard, also Fab Flournoy once said, about 3 years ago! While awarding me season MVP, I shook his hand, then he leaned in and said, 'So, you're The Floor General', and ever since then, I've kelp it!

EasyG said:
Scotty Pippen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry had to say it, basketball back in the day was awesome watching it was sweet, and then playing NBA jam made it even better!

No offence mate, but Pippen is a total a**hole! My friend was reading Spike Lee's biography, and it mentions that when Scottie Pippen posterised Patrick Ewing at Madison Square Garden (very famous dunk), he totally took it too far and pushed Patrick into the photgraphers and others on the baseline. So, Spike Lee jumped up (being a HUGE Knicks fan) and shouted at the ref to give Pippen a technical. Apperently Pippen walked over to Spike Lee and said, 'N**ga Shut The **** Up!.' That's totally disrespectful to the legend that is Spike Lee, and to any supporter.

That's just one story about pippen, another is that when Scottie was the main man on court (while Jordan was away injured or retired etc) he would refuse to play, if game-plays weren't revolved around him!

The dude made some amazing plays on court, but as a person he was a total w*nk*r

Finally, as for Rodman, the dudes totally wierd, but I totally respect him for his basketball skills. Almost 18boards a game, thats sick man! Even though he used to leap and try to hurt people! 34 vs. Indiana 3/04/92 says it all really!

Gotta love the Worm!
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Of the current crop of players, of course Kobe Bryant is outstanding, but I like the look of LeBron James, at 21, he could become a great.
I actually used to follow Basketball when he played for Bulls, It was in my opnion their best team, him along side players like Scotty Pippin and Jordan.

However, that doesn't excuse the fact he was a complete and utter **** in big bro.
sandy10 said:
Of the current crop of players, of course Kobe Bryant is outstanding, but I like the look of LeBron James, at 21, he could become a great.

I was in the USA at the time when he put himself into the draft after only finishing high school and not doing college first... bold move. :cool:
bigmouse64 said:
Hakeem Olojuwon was my MSN name for 2 years! Then it was Isiah 'Zeke' Thomas for a while! The dude are utter legends!

Now it's 'PG [The Floor General]' because I'm a point guard, also Fab Flournoy once said, about 3 years ago! While awarding me season MVP, I shook his hand, then he leaned in and said, 'So, you're The Floor General', and ever since then, I've kelp it!

No offence mate, but Pippen is a total a**hole! My friend was reading Spike Lee's biography, and it mentions that when Scottie Pippen posterised Patrick Ewing at Madison Square Garden (very famous dunk), he totally took it too far and pushed Patrick into the photgraphers and others on the baseline. So, Spike Lee jumped up (being a HUGE Knicks fan) and shouted at the ref to give Pippen a technical. Apperently Pippen walked over to Spike Lee and said, 'N**ga Shut The **** Up!.' That's totally disrespectful to the legend that is Spike Lee, and to any supporter.

That's just one story about pippen, another is that when Scottie was the main man on court (while Jordan was away injured or retired etc) he would refuse to play, if game-plays weren't revolved around him!

The dude made some amazing plays on court, but as a person he was a total w*nk*r

Finally, as for Rodman, the dudes totally wierd, but I totally respect him for his basketball skills. Almost 18boards a game, thats sick man! Even though he used to leap and try to hurt people! 34 vs. Indiana 3/04/92 says it all really!

Gotta love the Worm!

Isiah Thomas.. WOW that dude had some maad dunking skillz. remeber him in a dunk competition, dude was sick!
That BBC article is awful. It doesn't say how many rebounds he got. He isn't a scorer at all. I think he averaged about 7-8ppg in his career.

sandy10 said:
Of the current crop of players, of course Kobe Bryant is outstanding, but I like the look of LeBron James, at 21, he could become a great.
Not forgetting Dwight Howard. He is truly a beast.
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