Rogues gallery revamp

yeah, i could have sued tesco over it. They gave me a job on the cafe, said they would phone me monday to tell me the hours and then the manager saw me leaving, friday after i got told i didn't get it. First job i got i got laid off when the old manager came back as she wouldn't give me a job the time before i applied but currently work in a factory on semi decent pay and they didn't care.

Uni soon tho, maybe...

only do Uni if you know what you want to do afterwards and you're going to use your degree. I didn't go because I didn't know what to do and the experience I've gained instead has been invaluable! just depends what you want to do
only do Uni if you know what you want to do afterwards and you're going to use your degree. I didn't go because I didn't know what to do and the experience I've gained instead has been invaluable! just depends what you want to do

Very true. I didnt go for the exact same reason and again, have gained a lot of valuable experience, which seems to be of priority in this IT industry of today.
A long time ago there was a photo of me wearing the OcUK Forums t-shirt from those charity biddings - it's now a classic as it's from back in the days of vBulletin 2!

I think I've lost the photo, but I still have the t-shirt to do another pose ;)
only do Uni if you know what you want to do afterwards and you're going to use your degree. I didn't go because I didn't know what to do and the experience I've gained instead has been invaluable! just depends what you want to do

Well my only option as it stands now is go for Fnd computing, get 60% or better then get myself on to my original choice course of software engineering which would start at second year level if i pass the Fnd (was to late to get straight on to the Bsc) and i like to do programing but then again i've never done it before :confused: but if i stay here i'll just get stuck like the rest of the people i work with/know. Dead end job, small flat, small social circle and im not content with being here much longer
Well my only option as it stands now is go for Fnd computing, get 60% or better then get myself on to my original choice course of software engineering which would start at second year level if i pass the Fnd (was to late to get straight on to the Bsc) and i like to do programing but then again i've never done it before :confused: but if i stay here i'll just get stuck like the rest of the people i work with/know. Dead end job, small flat, small social circle and im not content with being here much longer

yeah, you've got to make that first move. I spent a couple of years after 6th form just idling, but then I got into web development and was able to find work pretty easily! it's been quite good so far, though I'd prefer to freelance eventually.

Nice idea :) I see no Sic though :(

I'm going to hunt around for my mug shot and get it uploaded.

I took my picture down because I hate being compared to Mick Hucknall - I don't think I look anything like him!
yeah, you've got to make that first move. I spent a couple of years after 6th form just idling, but then I got into web development and was able to find work pretty easily! it's been quite good so far, though I'd prefer to freelance eventually.

Yup, if i don't i'll end up (more) bitter and twist with life so i figure i've got to go. Plus its a broad first year so i may find another area of interest to go into but i know that i messed about in school, wasted college and now i've got to something right or end up on 18k a year basic, renting a 1 bedroom flat and going to the same pub for the 40 years....
Added my ugly mug, about to get hit in the back of the head by a Firestreak! :D

you are as i imagined you , i imagined you with long hair for a start.

oh wait i know, were the association came from. azagoth, goth , sub society, heavy metal , long hair.

not takin the pee pee, i used to have long hair also.:)
Got one of me up, was before I decided to grow my hair though. Will have a hunt for a better pic in a minute
Wow, your invisible girlfriend is so pretty :p


As it happens we were slating a mate because that was taken in Spain in July and the 4th mate couldn't come so we were sending him pics saying wish you were here and stuff when it was pouring with rain lol :D

we got lots of insulting replys full of colourful language :p - and that was meant to be his seat in the restaurant.
haha, nice one! :D

My mum and step-dad are in Cyprus at the moment on their honeymoon. She called me up before telling me nice the weather was over there :mad: lol
Done :cool:
I used a Tru'esque picture but I'm not quite hawt enough to get two ladies.

Nice job, sir. It's looking good so far.
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