Rogues gallery revamp

you are as i imagined you , i imagined you with long hair for a start.

oh wait i know, were the association came from. azagoth, goth , sub society, heavy metal , long hair.

not takin the pee pee, i used to have long hair also.:)

It's a bit longer now, about another 6" or so, as this was a few years back. :)

LOL going through my Facebook pictures to choose a suitable pic, 400-odd and all steaming drunk :p
I'll upload one of mine today.

Blighter, you look *just* like me. I had to take a double take that you hadn't stolen my face! :eek:
ROFL, shoot me now.

I previously thought kitten_caboodle and _dogma_ were guys :o

How many guys do you know have kitten in their name???

And dogma has had the fact that she's a girl in her sig for almost as long as I can remember :)
agw_01 = potential bedroom drawer material.
SiriusB = Jesus.
Tim = similar to how I recall Zefan looking.
yantorsen = young version of Simon Cowle, especially in that thumbnail.
Great update! thank you very much!

I'll add my pic later, just woke up so wont take a very good snap atm haha
ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :D:D:D

put your picture up, basmic!
Snowball's chance in hell of that happening, TBH. :p

I think there is one picture of me on my homepage - but it's old, and I doubt people would recognise me from such picture.
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