Roman to sell Chelsea ??

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Was in the local supermarket this morning and nosing through the back of the newspapers. A few of the tabloids and broadsheets were running a story about Abrahmovic may have to or wants to sell Chelsea. The two themes were

* Vladimir Putin is putting him under massive pressure to help finance an Olympic bid for 2016 or 2020. This to the tune of £1bn

* He's bored with Chelsea and wants a new challenge.

So whats the word around The Bridge from the Chelsea fans ? How much of a loss would it be to Chelsea if he did throw in the towel ?
reckon it will be a loss, but not as big as people think. As im sure there will be a lot of investors out there who would like to take over chelsea. I could see it being someone who gets the club into debt to buy it like glaziers etc.
it will just mean chelsea will have to limit the amount of players they sign now but depends who invests after really
Just paper talk; why would he need to sell Chelsea to fund an olympic bid? He's worth £11bn, so its not as if money's tight. And who would buy Chelsea? They're losing £m's every year, the only person that would go for them would be another RA who would be willing to supplement these losses.
normanthefarmer said:
reckon it will be a loss, but not as big as people think. As im sure there will be a lot of investors out there who would like to take over chelsea. I could see it being someone who gets the club into debt to buy it like glaziers etc.
it will just mean chelsea will have to limit the amount of players they sign now but depends who invests after really
Nobody would buy Chelsea as an investment. They do not have the fanbase to produce enough money to cover there outgoings. The only way an investor could do anything about this would be to come in and sell off several of there big earners to reduce there wage bill; Chelsea have around 7-8 players on £80-130k a week, no other club has anywhere near that amount of players on premium wages (even Utd who are the only club to be able to generate sizable turnovers). Therefore i would say that is a big loss to Chelsea fans
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lol, hes worth 11B, why would he sell chelsea, who are probably only worth 1/2 a billion? if they find a buyer

what i dont get is why putin wants 1bill from roman, surely the taxpaywers would pay for it all, or is he juicing some cash out of him because he can, and if he doesnt pay up he will sack him as ruler of some little russian state?

second is more likely, but even more likely, lampard, mourinho and terry to barca/real madrid
There are no rumours about him selling up around the Bridge or on any fan sites, can't see why he'd want to sell up either.
The club is on course to break even by the 09/10 season & it's brand & fanbase is the biggest growing in the world even though this season won't be the biggest in terms of trophies.
Every game is a sellout nowadays too, that will continue for the forseeable future.
He's just gone through a divorce, which includes 5 children, so I'm not surprised that he's had more inportant things to sort out than be at every game recently.
He may of had an iffy time with JM over the Xmas period, due to him not releasing any more money for players which we really needed, but that seems sorted now too & JM wants to stay:
JM said:
"I am getting tired of it a little.
"But it doesn't change my mind. If have to say it 51 times instead of 50, I want to stay at Chelsea I will say it.
"If I have to say if 52 times, I will say it 52 times.
"I expect to be here next season - I want to be here next season. That is 100 per cent and I expect to be."
Both Lamps & Terry have said they want to stay at Chelsea for life too.
There's no reason for RA to sell up unless he gets bored with football that is:)
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JohnnyG said:
There are no rumours about him selling up around the Bridge or on any fan sites, can't see why he'd want to sell up either.
The club is on course to break even by the 09/10 season & it's brand & fanbase is the biggest growing in the world even though this season won't be the biggest in terms of trophies.
Every game is a sellout nowadays too, that will continue for the forseeable future.
He's just gone through a divorce, which includes 5 children, so I'm not surprised that he's had more inportant things to sort out than be at every game recently.
He may of had an iffy time with JM over the Xmas period, due to him not releasing any more money for players which we really needed, but that seems sorted now too & JM wants to stay:

Both Lamps & Terry have said they want to stay at Chelsea for life too.
There's no reason for RA to sell up unless he gets bored with football that is:)

Thing is JG pretty much all games for the top 4-6 teams are a sell out so it's not a fantastic measure. Regardless of the the fanbase they are still restricted on punters through the gate unless they increase capacity. Plus biggest growing doesn't mean it's the biggest. I know players and managers get misquoted all the time but i'm not 100% confident that JM has his whole heart in it atm
Loki said:
Thing is JG pretty much all games for the top 4-6 teams are a sell out so it's not a fantastic measure. Regardless of the the fanbase they are still restricted on punters through the gate unless they increase capacity. Plus biggest growing doesn't mean it's the biggest. I know players and managers get misquoted all the time but i'm not 100% confident that JM has his whole heart in it atm
I'm not saying we have the biggest gates or biggest fanbase, what I'm saying is that things are considerably moving in the right direction as a club so there really is no reason for him to sell up, unless he gets bored with football.
Even if he did, there seems to be a lot of daft Yanks with money around these days so one of those might come in;)
JG, do you actually believe Peter Kenyon and his dream about breaking even in 4 years time? :p I think he should be an author as he seems to be good at fiction.
Linoge said:
JG, do you actually believe Peter Kenyon and his dream about breaking even in 4 years time? :p I think he should be an author as he seems to be good at fiction.
Dunno really, after our recent accounts & losses were released a lot of financial experts said there's no reason why not, especially if we stop spending so much on new players, which has already started. I think the recent acounts still didn't include the Adidas deal & we've set up a lot of other deals this season including some big financial investment stuff & a lot going on in the Asian market too:)
To break even by their target date they would not be allowed to sign a single player and increase wages.
JM wont allow that or he will walk I think.
Not a huge loss to the main boss if they dont break even by then.

Grwoing fan base of hatred I believe :p
I think he would probably sell Chelsea as his missus will take half his money.. He will need the funds from the sell of the club.. he will only have 5billion left.. Thats not a lot for him to live on.;)

In truth, I have never heard about this rumour so cant really comment on it. I would doubt he would sell it as it is a bit of a gold mine at the moment. They are doing well and as somebody posted here, are growing a fast fan base which will make more money. Not as big as Man Utd but there could be time for it.
JohnnyG said:
Dunno really, after our recent accounts & losses were released a lot of financial experts said there's no reason why not, especially if we stop spending so much on new players, which has already started. I think the recent acounts still didn't include the Adidas deal & we've set up a lot of other deals this season including some big financial investment stuff & a lot going on in the Asian market too:)
You know full well you have no chance of breaking even by the start of the 09/10 season ;)
Seriously though; undoubtedly they improved significantly from the last set of accounts but there was huge room for improvement and even with the adidas deal they would have still lost £68m. There now in a position where they can't really boost there turnover by much as they've already got a big sponsor/kit manufacturer etc and don't look like they will increase there gate reciepts. The only way they can cut there losses if through there spending which isn't going to improve much over the short term; iirc they actually spent less on players last year than they did this year and Chelsea still stand to take huge losses on players like Makelele for example (presuming they don't sell him for £16m ;) ) and i will be suprised if there wage bill hasnt gone up from last year; even with the smaller squad from last year.

The best Chelsea will get to in the short term is £30-40m loss
droolinggimp said:
I think he would probably sell Chelsea as his missus will take half his money.. He will need the funds from the sell of the club.. he will only have 5billion left.. Thats not a lot for him to live on.;)

I read that they divorced in Russia so the wife only got a paltry £1 billion. :p
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