Had my Zappi installed Thursday night, and I've got to say the MyEnergi experience so far has been dreadful, incredibly poor user experience so far.
As you some of you will know I'm more geek than luddite having used, programed and built computers since my school days in the eighties. Yet I've failed miserably, had issues setting up the app, it got stuck in a setup loop, so had to finish the setup on the Web. I've set charging schedules yet it charged straight away (may well have been in Fast mode), so I stopped that and then it didn't start charging on the schedule. Admittedly I haven't read and digested the instructions (I'm a man!!), but it shouldn't be that hard. During the App setup it asks when and how much cheap periods are so they can save me money, but that seems irrelevant, as I have to setup schedules in the charger.
So this is what I had set, actually the duration was 5:30 as at first didn't realise it was duration, so it should have started charging at 00:30 and stopped at 6:00am this morning, it didn't do either.
I woke up at 1:15am so checked and it wasn't charging, I just clicked Fast in the app, when I woke at 6:15am it was still charging.
Its been a busy morning, and not had time to investigate further, but this is what I have in the App, and I've check on the Zappi and its the same there, so what am I missing, why did it not stop and start??? I have removed the schedules from the car yesterday, I could reinstate these and leave the charger on fast mode, but that's not going to work for IOG.
I need to get this sussed out before I further complicate things with IOG, all I want at the moment is for the car to charge in the off peak time slot 00:30 to 05:30.
I will setup an account on the MyEnergi forum and have a whinge there, but I've other things to be doing at the moment.