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RTX 4070 12GB, is it Worth it?

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Looks better than native with ultra textures and much better than fsr with ultra textures, I have some screenshot i can share
Have you considered that that maybe being caused by less than optimal native settings? I only ask because to me it seems pretty obvious that if native settings look worse than when it's upscaled then there's probably something causing native to look worse, like how it's implement whatever AA setting it's using.
Have you considered that that maybe being caused by less than optimal native settings? I only ask because to me it seems pretty obvious that if native settings look worse than when it's upscaled then there's probably something causing native to look worse, like how it's implement whatever AA setting it's using.
Yeah, a lot of games ship with borked native presentation. Cod cold war is a famous example. So? Doesn't change the fact that by using dlss with high textures you have better iq than native with ultra, therefore....? Isn't that the point? Better image quality?
Yeah, a lot of games ship with borked native presentation. Cod cold war is a famous example. So? Doesn't change the fact that by using dlss with high textures you have better iq than native with ultra, therefore....? Isn't that the point? Better image quality?
Not really, if you're using a setting that's intended to process an image to reduce artifacts when those images don't require it due to them being higher resolution to begin with all you're doing is making the image worse.

E.g, You're taking an image that doesn't need processing due to it being a higher resolution, putting it through a process that's intended to make lower resolutions look better and saying it looks bad when compared to some other image processing technique. As in all you're doing is comparing image processing techniques rather than what image looks better. As in you're not comparing native because if you've got things like AA enabled you're doing a whole load of post processing on the image.

e: The whole point of running higher resolutions, both in the textures themselves and in the actual resolution of the images displayed, is so you don't have to apply what are imperfect post processing techniques to the image to make it look better. If you're using/displaying higher resolution images and applying post processing techniques intended to make lower resolution images look better you're not going to get a better image, you're just going to get a high resolution image that includes the same sort of artifacts that you'd get if you had upscaled a lower resolution image, you're defeating the point of using/displaying higher resolution images in the first place.
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I can soon see the spin 8GB is enough for the RTX4060TI 8GB if it launches at £450. Wonder if the RTX3060 12GB will beat that too? RTX3060 fine wine.

I expect the desktop iterations of 4050/60 to be just as disappointing.
Do we actually think Nvidia will take any learnings from this generation into the 5000 series? Or will they see sales still happening at these prices and decide they're going to keep going at it?
Do we actually think Nvidia will take any learnings from this generation into the 5000 series? Or will they see sales still happening at these prices and decide they're going to keep going at it?

I mean, they can't just keep pricing things more and more expensive each generation instead of replacing the existing price points, otherwise GPUs will get so expensive, hardly anyone will be able to afford them.

I guess they might try and see if they can sit on the current new price points for a while. If sales truly are dire though, they are going to have to drop them, or just stop making them all together.

I hope Nvidia adds some more VRAM to the RTX4060TI! It most likely have a similar speed core to an RTX3070!
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