'Russia is seriously running out of cash'

its 19 trillion now.

the whole world economy is screwed and there will come a point when the debt becomes unsustainable - fun times ahead for everyone :)
The figures are so massive, I think most people would go into shock if they realised just how much their life could change ultimately. I dont know anything will ever trip the switch or as said above, they will just print off the interest, off the debt and buy off any concerns. Thing is they arent even going in the right direction, so I do wonder on that one

most of it is owned by US entities
I dont think thats as true as it was in the past, Japan has over a $ Trillion US treasuries despite their government being technically bankrupt and China also.

The biggest point against this is that Federal reserve is one of the largest holders, a supposedly private entity. If you count this as domestic holding then yea sure they good I guess. If you count the FED as few assets except QE it hardly counts as ownership, just a facade to the treasury cashing their own cheques which on the inception of the Federal reserve was illegal.
Most frequently you hear the term debt ceiling, thats a reference to that original definition and precaution against money printing. After disregarding this the whole situational integrity is badly compromised

USA has a massive trade deficit which normally means their currency becomes devalued. However creditors keep the debt for trading, its a reserve currency and more dollars exist outside the USA then are used within in paper terms at least I think thats correct.
If you imagine your landlord never cashed the cheque you gave him for 6 months then one day you get a nasty shock as the cash is suddenly drawn out. That could happen, its fine if you didnt like the house anyway I guess

I havent read all of these references right now :o

Economist Paul Samuelson and others (including, at his death, Milton Friedman) have maintained that the overseas demand for dollars allows the United States to maintain persistent trade deficits without causing the value of the currency to depreciate or the flow of trade to readjust. But Samuelson stated in 2005 that at some uncertain future period these pressures would precipitate a run against the U.S. dollar with serious global financial consequences.[1]

USA left the gold standard in 1971, coinciding with this chart of prices
Again dreams, the vast majority of the Siberian population (over 95%) is Slavic. Plus USSR already won a civil war with the White government in Siberia, so it is defendable.

Hmm, Ukraine is Slavic. the White government was defeated politically not militarily. So I don't know what you are on about. If you bothered to read up Siberian Independence is a constant issue and will remain to be whilst the government take all the resources and give so little back.

You see that green vest on the "elite flying Ivan" in the Syria??? They are so pathetic and poor that they can not afford a proper specialized uniform for the "Elite" Air-Force.

Imagine if thats the best of the best, how crap is everything else?

Russia's military is one big bohoo.
I know its for show and all but:

Your stereotypical opinion of the Russian army is 5 years out of date.

1) Its for show

2) That's when they still had money.

Give it few more years and they'll be running around with sticks, unable to afford fuel for their tanks.
The twin blade helicopter is a KA-52, Israel bought some. Russia isnt that far behind other major powers if at all, they dont really want you to know exactly

They probably bought it because it was dirt cheap to look at and laugh. Then call the Pentagon and crack a joke with them about what heap of barely flying garbage it is.

Then gather all the best minds to try to figure why its even capable of flying against all odds.
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Isn't that borderline meaningless when we don't know the capabilities of their equipment? They can make reasonable assessments of their own gear, but then they don't know how it'd do vs NATO stuff (and vice versa). The S400 is supposed to be v good, but we don't know how good and the Russians won't know how good it is versus the Typhoon or F22, for example.

Well he was wise cracking about their nukes not even getting off the ground - but you can see they manage to successfully launch a few bigger missiles in the video ;)

S-400 is pretty good - but like the S-500 hamstrung by maintenance requirements, slow reload, slow turn around times and software reliability - S-500 would actually be pretty nasty if it wasn't for the fact they so far haven't cracked scaling it properly so it can relatively easily be overwhelmed by saturation fire (multiple installations targetting the same plane/missiles, etc.) and reliant on Japanese electronics they are 10 years from being able to produce domestically. They also trail behind I believe on the radar (over the horizon capabilities) front but can't remember the details off the top of my head.

EDIT: S-500 is actually planned to be rapid deployable - but so far what has been seen in testing doesn't live upto that (initially appeared to be but then had problems).
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Well he was wise cracking about their nukes not even getting off the ground - but you can see they manage to successfully launch a few bigger missiles in the video ;)

That's for now, give it few more years.... once money is dried up, we'll be trading vodka for those nukes
ka52 is very capable afaik. Used in Egypt and will engage terrorists in the sinai desert which is an active region ? we might see it on the news

Give it few more years and they'll be running around with sticks, unable to afford fuel for their tanks.

Im sure USA is far richer and has the numbers advantage. Only China would beat them on personal deployed maybe but thats not the factor it was.
USA has 2000 Apache 64 attack helicopter for example, seems an incredible amount of firepower to me.
However Russia will not run out of fuel, they also have some very cheap production available to them but also a need to invest and more costly production too. The problem is their economy is all about selling these commodities, price is down and they are badly worse off. A proper capitalist society would be more balanced and able to use this cheap oil to their own advantage, so I imagine the real failure is a lack of high quality exportable production. They also lack the population of China and ability to mass produce I guess.
China and Russia are both increasing their gold reserves afaik, I dont know they have any plan in particular. If China ever switched to a hard currency stance it would probably be ideal for Russia to twin with
Shows how clueless he is - oil is one of the few things they won't be short of.

Oil has to be pumped, refined... They do not even have any decent technologies to do that. Most of it is western operated and supplied.

Russian oil is not like in Saudi, its deep down and expensive to get.

They can always run their tanks on firewood lol.
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