It's not that difficult nowadays, I was just being overzealous.
Easy way to do it is memtest64 to validate your memory settings. You can run it in Windows and it will just use however much memory you have free for testings (be sure you close everything you have running). If you can get to >10 loops on >14000MB without any errors then you should be fine (it shouldn't take too long, <30 minutes).
To validate your CPU settings I'd suggest installing HWInfo64 for monitoring, it should offer the most accurate data and I'd suggest leaving Prime95 on "Blend" running overnight (usually if you don't get any errors after 3+ hours, you should be 99% fine). A faster way to do it would be to get Realbench and have it do a 30~60 minute stress test using all of your available RAM. You can do shorter stress tests if you want to risk things or longer if you want to make sure it's bedrock stable, but usually 3+ hours of Prime95 and/or 30 minutes of RealBench should be good enough to find most issues. Be sure to monitor temperatures and voltages while doing the stress testing.
The voltage limit which you should not pass is 1.425v for the CPU Vcore (with LLC Auto). Try 1.2v with 3.6Ghz or 1.3v with 3.8Ghz and see if you're stable. Most Ryzens should be able to reach 3.8Ghz with <1.35v based on overclocking lists.
For the memory you just need to select DOCP in the bios and set it to 3200, the 8pack kit should run it without too much hassle, but if you have any stability issues/errors with memtest64, be sure to ask in the Ryzen thread.
Memtest64 link:
HWInfo64 link (get the 64 bit version):
Prime95 link (get version 29.3, 64bit):
Realbench link: