safest way to store data, Drobo is having problems

25 May 2011
I have a drobo with 10TB worth od hard drives installed. Always thought drobo was super safe and I couldnt go wrong. It wont boot under windows now and every time I boot my pc it runs a chkdsk test which has been running not reporting anything for the last 14 hours, does it take that long?

So with lots of home video footage of all my family which is precious to me, I have decided if I manage to read my data again I would like to move over to another backup solution that can offer more saftey than drobo. Reading drobo small print it recommends that you back your drop up! I thought that was the whole point of the drobo

Any advice is appreciated :)
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I've got about 800GB of files lying around on my main PC (quite a lot of media) xD

To get around this, I just have two 1TB drives. 1 is in my PC at all time, and another is in a fire proof box. About once a month I do a direct copy of PC drive over to backup drive.

If you mistyped your 10GB and mean 10TB this might be more of a challenge, but just having two hard drives seems like the logical thing. It would be unlikely (but not impossible, for both to fail)....

Sorry yes I have 10TB and its always rising. I recon like 16TB would do me. Is there someyhing I can build maybe that offers better protection than drobo and I can pop in larger drives when running low?
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