Safety Conscious Neurosis!

26 Mar 2005
Ok, so the company I'm working for atm has a big safety policy, but this is ridiculous! I walk past the IT director and makes some chit chat - I mention that I have something in my eye. He immediately takes me to a first aider who takes me to get an eye wash! I then have to fill out a form stating that I declined medical treatment! Are they mental?
Not really. Depends on the company.

They're just trying to avoid being sued. If they'd said "just go wash it out with some water, you'll be fine" and then it turned out you had some hazardous material in your eye that caused you to go blind it would cost them a fortune. Health and safety laws are a bit nanny-ish in that respect.
They don't want you to accidently fall over and hurt your knee over a wet floor which you couldn't see properly. See, you'd then go to hospital and see an advert about getting compensation. Then you'd appear on an advert about compensation telling your story to the whole world.
greenlizard0 said:
They don't want you to accidently fall over and hurt your knee over a wet floor which you couldn't see properly. See, you'd then go to hospital and see an advert about getting compensation. Then you'd appear on an advert about compensation telling your story to the whole world.
I was caused seriouse eye damage while looking at my monitor, i was'nt sure if i could claim, then i found eye strain claim direct....
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